I truly am alive but just super busy writing! Entering a Christmas piano solo writing contest with SMPress in addition to other writing for my piano students.
I just need to find time to publish what I’m writing! 🙂
My Lorenz book is still on track for publication this November 2018.
Hope to publish a practical article soon on fill-ins. I’m also trying to finish my first booklet on Fill-ins to be published on my site asap!
The improvising material I have been developing is on the early intermediate to intermediate level.
Generally on Sunday nights…Pastor has the church sing two choruses or hymns from the hymnal right before his sermon. (We don’t have a special every Sunday night).
This particular Sunday night he started talking about something else and so I thought maybe he wasn’t going to do the extra songs.
So…I began to prep my orchestra for a last minute offertory because the person lined up for offertory wasn’t able to play. (I had forgotten to check my texts or I would have seen the offertory cancellation. I had told the person they could just text me yes or no and I would fill-in if needed)
The orchestra sits right beside me so it was easy to be discreet.
All of a sudden it grew quiet…I looked up to see all eyes looking my way. “Uh oh,” I humbly replied. “What song?”
I had missed hearing Pastor call out the song for the church to sing and they were waiting on an introduction.
Needless to say, everyone laughed! How embarrassing! My husband who does the sound…thought it was hilarious!
He later told me, “Oh well…maybe everyone needed a good laugh!”
I’ll try to do better! 😉 I’m sure other church pianists have humorous stories to tell! Please feel free to share your stories below!
I enjoy writing easy three-part arrangements for our Men’s ensemble. “Are Ye Able” was one of my favorite hymns when growing up in church.
The stirring message of this hymn makes it suitable for a men’s group. The main emphasis of this hymn speaks of loyalty to Christ…a great reminder for us all.
Our men’s ensemble really enjoyed singing this hymn as you will notice 🙂 Sheet music for “Are Ye Able” is available below the video:
Just thought I’d share what I’m currently writing. I have been sick since Sunday and itching to get back to writing. We were out of town all last week on a family visit…so looking forward to getting back to work…writing music!
Over the past several years I have been transcribing arrangements from my “Simply Christmas” CD. I’m almost done with the handwritten version of “Manger Medley” as played on my Christmas CD. I would consider this arrangement to be early advanced.
I recently arranged an easy men’s three part arrangement of the old hymn “Are Ye Able,” Said the Master The text of this hymn challenges us to live our lives fully for Christ…remembering how He sacrificed all to lay down His life for us. I’ll be publishing a video of one of our men’s group singing this arrangement and the sheet music will be availalble in our online music store at:
Oh how I love hymns with such rich meaning! May we all focus more on what we’re singing. It’s SO easy to just get caught up on a melody. (I needed that reminder) 😉
I truly appreciate all the kind words of encouragement that I’ve received over the years from my readers.
Just thought I would share a recent note and video from a couple of my readers. Loren & Louise are a husband and wife team who volunteer of their time to minister through music to various churches in their area as needed for Sunday services, weddings and funerals.
I would love to meet Loren & Louise in person just as I would those of you I’ve corresponded with through the years. (We can meet for sure in Heaven) 🙂
Thanks again for all of you encouragers! That’s what keeps me writing 🙂
Loren and Louise are playing my arrangement of “Draw Me Nearer & Close to Thee” …available HERE
*Loren and Louise apologized for the organ and piano being somewhat out of tune but I could easily overlook that as I heard them play from their hearts 🙂
Student Part: 2 pgs. (Late beginner) Teacher part: 4 pgs. (Early intermediate)
*Two Piano Version is also available on Piano Ensemble page (same levels)
See youtube video below of the two piano version which is very similar to the one piano four hands version.
Price: $5.00
Jesus Loves Even Me (Two Pianos)
Student Part (2 pgs) Late beginner, Teacher Part (4 pgs.) Early intermediate
*Also available for one piano - four hands on the Piano Duet Page