Posts Tagged ‘pedaling’

Pedal Tips for the Church Pianist

Friday, November 9th, 2018

Does your hymn playing sound cloudy or too choppy and you just can’t figure out how to fix these issues?

I’ll share several tips that will hopefully help the beginning church pianist to  sound smoother.

Prep list for correct pedaling:

  1.  Sit on the front half of the bench
  2.  Knees barely under the keyboard
  3.  Right leg will be at an angle (heel remains on the floor when pressing pedal)

When to pedal? Pedal once  per chord change

To avoid choppy sound in playing: NEVER lift pedal and hands at the same time during a hymn that needs to sound smooth.

Lift the pedal while the hand is going down on the new chord

Coming Soon: Pedal Tips Video Tutorial

Thursday, November 8th, 2018

I’m preparing a video tutorial on pedal suggestions for the church pianist who would appreciate some helpful tips on how to sound smooth when playing hymns.

Get ready with these prep tips!

  1. Sit elbow length from the keys (knees should be slightly under keyboard.)
  2.  Sit on front half of bench

More pedaling tips coming soon!