Archive for the ‘Vocal’ Category

Church Special Music Schedule

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

Time for me to update/revise our church special music schedule!

I want to better utilize my progressing piano students during the service.

Here’s a picture of the updated schedule.

Students will be playing during prelude & offertories to keep in shape!

For those who haven’t heard…I write hymns for my piano students to play for congregational singing or to use as a piano solo for offertory.

Having them play during prelude provides that extra opportunity to keep them well-versed in their hymn playing.

My piano students tell me they are not as nervous when playing for prelude. (Another benefit of using them for prelude music)

Our church family loves seeing the young ones so involved in the music ministry!





Flu Season: Securing Standbys

Friday, March 6th, 2020


Lesson learned: Don’t schedule a vocal or instrumental ensemble during flu season!  Always have a standby on hand for vocal or offertory specials.

I have a nine voice mixed ensemble scheduled to sing this Sunday morning. Due to a lot of various sicknesses going around…I’ve secured a standby vocal solo for this Sunday morning.  I’ll let him know by Saturday afternoon whether or not he’ll need to sing.

I pray everyone who reads this is doing well!

Modulating Up a Half Step From Verse to Chorus

Monday, February 17th, 2020

Can the church pianist modulate up a half step from verse to chorus during congregational singing? The answer is…yes!  🙂

(Of course….with the song leader’s permission)  😉

Jenifer gives  several modulating tips in the following video tutorial.

Click below the video to download the FREE printable that provides several modulation examples for modulating a half step from the verse to the chorus during congregational singing.



Part Two Modulation Up Whole Step



Special Music on Wednesdays?

Sunday, January 5th, 2020

Jenifer shares some of her heart felt thoughts on the subject of special music in the church service.

Wednesday night services are a special treat at our church. Our Pastor studies hard to make Wednesday nights VERY practical.

We learn SO much and feel we can’t afford to miss a Wednesday night service!

But what about having special vocal music on a Wednesday night?

Christmas Piano & Vocal Book Sale!

Saturday, November 30th, 2019

Price List:

(from left to right)

  1. Soloist Christmas (Low voice)  $10
  2. Jeanine Yeager  $4
  3. Piano Adventures Christmas Books Level 3A (same books)  $4 each (good condition with student & teacher markings)
  4. Bach Around the Christmas Tree $5

Buyer pays shipping not included in price. Orders within US only please.  Paypal preferred payment.

Contact me at:… if interested.


Church Pianist Update: Thanksgiving Song (vocal)

Tuesday, November 19th, 2019



I was up before the sun this morning trying to finish my Dad’s vocal number entitled “Sing to the Lord a New Song.”

This make a great Thanksgiving choir special and it’s not real hard to learn 🙂 Sorry for working on it so late but doing my best.

Dad (Reece Yandle), wrote this song years ago and we’ve been intending to publish it as a SATB choir arrangement.

The melody of this song is very catchy and stays with you throughout the day..reminding you to praise the Lord!

Working on getting a sample for you all to hear. In the meantime….see sample picture of music below.

























New Song: He’s a Wondrous Glorious God!

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

One of my piano students, Ady Lowder, surprised me by singing her first song which she recently composed.

We’re planning on putting it to paper for publication when able.

Watch this video clip to hear a portion of Ady’s new song.

Accompanying Vocal Specials: A Couple Practice Tips

Saturday, August 31st, 2019

Meryt Wilson and I REALLY enjoyed getting together a couple weeks ago to discuss Accompanying Vocal Specials.  We came up with a series of short videos talking about various ideas on accompanying the vocalist.

Here are several practice tips for the church pianist who plays for vocal specials.

In our next video…we’ll share a couple thoughts when creating an intro for a vocal solo.  Meryt sings while I try to create intros!

New Vocal Solo! His Name is Wonderful to Me

Sunday, August 18th, 2019

I’m thrilled to FINALLY have this arrangement in print of “His Name is Wonderful to Me” written by my Dad, Reece Yandle.

This new vocal solo is now available for purchase at Sheet Music Plus Available in two different keys!  (E flat and F Major)

PROMO SPECIAL:  Buy this arrangement on Sheet Music Plus and email us your receipt of purchase and we’ll email you one piano solo arrangement of your choice…FREE! from Jenifer’s online music store. Email:

Exception: Does not include any offsite products. Offer expires August 30, 2019

Dad has written many songs over the  years.  He has published nine of them on Sheet Music Plus over the last couple of years.

Click here to see what he’s published on Sheet Music Plus. 

In addition, Dad has at least three published songs  through Lorenz. The songs are included in three different books of various composers. They are listed below:

Book Title: No Greater Love:  Song Title: “Nevertheless Thy Will be Done” VIEW SAMPLE PAGES

Book title: Face to Face   Song title: “By the Grace of God” VIEW SAMPLE PAGES

Book title: Day by Day  Song title:  “Who Will Go?”  (nice mission theme song)  VEW SAMPLE PAGES

Below is a video of  Alton Beal, President of Ambassador Baptist College, singing my Dad’s song, “His Name is Wonderful to Me.”





Accompanying Vocal Specials: Practice Tips

Saturday, August 17th, 2019

Practice Tips

Part One

Finding time to practice vocal specials is a challenge for most church pianists!  Listen to Meryt Wilson and Jenifer Cook as they discuss this challenging topic.