Posts Tagged ‘Music Schedule’

Church Special Music Schedule

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

Time for me to update/revise our church special music schedule!

I want to better utilize my progressing piano students during the service.

Here’s a picture of the updated schedule.

Students will be playing during prelude & offertories to keep in shape!

For those who haven’t heard…I write hymns for my piano students to play for congregational singing or to use as a piano solo for offertory.

Having them play during prelude provides that extra opportunity to keep them well-versed in their hymn playing.

My piano students tell me they are not as nervous when playing for prelude. (Another benefit of using them for prelude music)

Our church family loves seeing the young ones so involved in the music ministry!





The Church Pianist: Free Special Music Schedule

Friday, January 1st, 2010

Here’s a free copy of the music schedule I use for scheduling special music.

We usually insert special music on a Wednesday at least once a month but I left it out of this free handout.

I wish we could have special music every Wed. but time limits adequate practice for that many entries per month.

To prevent excess schedule conflicts, I make a rough draft copy…using a pencil to fill in the slots. Then I email everyone to verify the date works for them.  Several days later, I create the final schedule and email them a copy.The whole process takes at least three to four days.

Click on the following title for free copy of music schedule: January February Special Music Schedule

If you would like a blank schedule (without months and dates)…just leave a comment below requesting a blank template of the music schedule).