Last Sunday I had to play for our church’s guest missionary couple. I had never heard of the song and there were at least five page turns.
I had one of our flute players turn pages for me. Another quick tip helped a bunch! I simply wrote the approaching chord on the last measure of each page so it would sound like I knew what I was doing at the turn of each page. 😉 Seriously, this tip helped me stay in the right chord frame for each page turn.
The Choreo Keeperwould have been a life saver that morning but I left it at home where I use it the most.
Advanced sacred piano solo, 4 pgs. Approximately 2:00
A simple intro gives way to a reflective mood ending in a confident powerful message "And I know He watches me!"
Contains one verse and two choruses.
Price: $4.00
I wrote this arrangement for “Will Jesus Find Us Watching” several weeks ago after someone requested I play it for one of my recent facebook lives.
This particular hymn has a lot of life to it! The melody and words go hand in hand. The level of this arrangement looks to be about late intermediate to early advanced level.
I enjoyed creating this simple; straight forward arrangement requiring minimal practice for the early advanced church pianist. The arrangement begins in the key of F Major and ends in G Major. (two verses and choruses)
Will Jesus Find Us Watching Late intermediate to early advanced sacred piano solo, 3 pgs.
First verse & chorus in F Major, Second verse & chorus in G Major. Price: $3.50
Just this afternoon I had one of my intermediate students ask me, “What could I play during the echo section in the chorus of “It is Well?”
She enjoyed learning the left hand patterns I entered as a suggested route. I told her if she would learn to recognize her chords in the hymnal…it would open up a whole realm of improvising choices!
Click on the title below to download your copy of the chorus ideas for “It is Well.”
My new sacred piano solos: “My Savior’s Love” arranged for one of my intermediate church pianist students.
“America the Beautiful” ready to use for any patriotic holidays! Sorry for publishing this too late for July 4th but ideas wouldn’t flow until I got away for a much needed vacation!
My Savior's Love Early intermediate sacred piano solo, 3 pages
First verse is in G Major ending in E flat Major for second verse and chorus.
Great for any time of the year. Price: $3.50
America the Beautiful Advanced piano solo, 3 pages
One verse & two choruses
This arrangement depicts looking out across America as one reflects on God's creation and unending grace. Price: $3.95
I received the following email from one of my readers today concerning my free arrangement of “Whispering Hope”.
“I am also a church pianist and I am writing to thank you for making your beautiful arrangement of Whispering Hope available free of charge on your website. I played it for yesterday’s “Hymn of the Week” feature on our church YouTube channel. By request I’ve been featuring a different hymn every week since the pandemic lock down began, and providing some background into the writing of each hymn. “
I found the story behind this song very intriguing!