Archive for the ‘Modulation’ Category
Modulating Up a Half Step From Verse to Chorus
Monday, February 17th, 2020Can the church pianist modulate up a half step from verse to chorus during congregational singing? The answer is…yes! 🙂
(Of course….with the song leader’s permission) 😉
Jenifer gives several modulating tips in the following video tutorial.
Click below the video to download the FREE printable that provides several modulation examples for modulating a half step from the verse to the chorus during congregational singing.
Part Two Modulation Up Whole Step
Live on Facebook Today! 8pm EST
Thursday, November 16th, 2017Do you want smoother sounding transitions from one hymn to the next during prelude?
Jenifer Cook will be sharing several modulation tips for prelude today at 8pm EST on facebook at this link:
Materials needed:
5 handout sheets (download below)
Hymnal (Look up: Amazing Grace & Grace Greater Than Our Sin)
Piano or keyboard
Handout Sheet Links (click on each sheet to download and print) 5 sheets total
Prelude Modulation Tips (fill-in sheet) *answer key
1. Modulating up a 5th & Whole Step (basic chord structure)
2. Modulating up a 5th (examples)
3. Modulating Up a Whole Step (examples)
4. Modulating Up a _?___(examples)
*Nice resource for notating your modulations between songs for prelude!
Click here: Staff Post-it Notes (4 pack) 50 sheets per pad!
Great Page Protectors for Musician’s!
Live on Facebook: Coming Soon!
Tuesday, October 31st, 2017
Jenifer will be airing live on facebook… Thursday, November 16th at 8pm EST.
The topic will be: Modulation Tips for Prelude
Jenifer will be sharing a couple of ways she enjoys modulating from one song to the next during prelude.
Invite friends and family to tune in on November 16th at 8pm EST. You don’t have to have a facebook account to view the session. We will provide a link on this website for easier access on the day of the session.
Live Facebook Church Pianist Session Tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 11th, 2017Click Here to Watch Live Session Tomorrow at 8pm EST
Tune in at the link above tomorrow evening at 8pm EST… to be a part of a live facebook session for church pianists all over the world! (even as far as the Cayman Islands) 🙂
Click below to print free downloads for tomorrow’s session:
Showers-of-Blessing-example-6 8-student-version

Special Note!
There may be one more sheet to download by tomorrow morning. Bring notebook paper to jot down the numerous tips you will hear sprinkled throughout this session! You’ll also want a pencil to use on the download sheets.
Part Two: Modulating up a Fifth
Friday, July 21st, 2017Modulating between hymns during a prelude or other background music event can create a seamless presentation.
The absence of this art makes for a disjointed sound when going from hymn to hymn. (unless of course the songs are in the same key) 🙂
Ah….but just because the songs are in identical keys doesn’t mean the songs will always sound seamless without some type of transition. (another lesson!)
Every church pianist should try and learn the art of modulation to the best of his or her ability…in small bits at at time. For starters, learn to modulate between songs with same time signature as I have provided below. (The modulations will feel/flow a little different in 3/4 time versus 4/4 time.)
Below is a free pdf showing how to modulate up a fifth using the chord formula: ii7 to V7 of the new key. I’ve also shared a list of these two chords in the keys found on the free pdf of modulations.
Key of C
ii7 = D-F-A-C
V7 = G-B-D-F
Key of G *see visual of these 2 chords HERE
V7= D-F sharp-A-C
Key of D
ii7= E-G-B-D
V7= A-C sharp-E-G
Part One: Modulation Formula for Most Any Key Change!
Monday, July 17th, 2017Introduction
Modulating during any type of prelude (church, funeral, wedding or other occasion)…creates a smooth transition between songs. Without a smooth transition between different keys, the music will sound interrupted or very abrupt. The articles associated with this lesson and future lessons will deal with modulating to a higher key. Modulating to a lower key can also be effective but such a topic belongs in a different set of lessons.
The modulation chord formula that works for most any key change uses the ii7 to V7 chords of the new key.
(I personally like to use the V7 sus instead of a plain V7…but will will illustrate at the appropriate time).
*Part two will provide a FREE pdf with several examples of modulating up a fifth. (C Major to G Major)
Keyboard visuals of the ii7 & V7 chords in the key of G Major are shown below. (The upcoming examples will cover C to G, G to D and F to C using this chord formula)
Working on the examples now and hope to share this week!
Modulation vs. Transpositition
Friday, July 14th, 2017Do modulation and transposition mean the same thing? They ARE closely related but describe two different actions.
Modulation is the transition process (the key change itself)… that takes the pianist to the new key.
Transposition is playing a song in a different key than what’s written.
Next post will share a modulation chord that is commonly used for modulating from one key to another.