Archive for the ‘Seasonal / Other’ Category

Piano Funeral Collection…Published!

Saturday, March 16th, 2013


Just wanted to announce to my readers that the piano funeral collection is now available in the music store.

In the near future, the songs will also be sold separately.

Hear audio excerpts from several of the hymns below:

Rock of Ages & Like a River

Amazing Grace & Saviour Like a Shepherd

Funeral Collection
Early advanced to advanced sacred piano solo collection. Song list: Amazing Grace, Saviour Like a Shepherd, Trusting Jesus Medley, Does Jesus Care, Rock of Ages, Like a River, He Hideth My Soul, Sweet by and by Medley, Wonderful Peace. *Key changes and song order included for the benefit of church pianists using this as a funeral prelude or offertory medleys. *Approximately 18 minutes playing time. *These songs will also be sold separately in the near future.
Price: $16.00



Upcoming Piano Funeral Collection: Final Stages

Friday, March 15th, 2013

Just so everyone knows…I’m working feverishly…trying to finalize the piano funeral collection today.  Due to being sick, I fell behind a little but now editing the last song in the collection today!

We will be visiting our grandson tomorrow so I’m hoping to publish the piano funeral collection tonight or no later than tomorrow night.

This versatile; nine piece collection can be used for: funeral prelude, individual offertories or as vocal specials due to the included lyrics in the piano score of each hymn.

Well, back to work…almost finished!

Funeral Collection for Church Pianist: Update

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013


I have been grabbing my rare spare moments….trying to finish the “funeral collection” for church pianists!

I hope to complete it by no later than mid-March.  All the arrangements except for one have been entered in Finale.  Now the finishing touches begin such as: key changes between each song; dynamics,visible lyrics for each song to help the church pianist focus on the message of each song. Each arrangement in the funeral collection can also stand alone as an offertory.

Each piece is written in (hopefully) a simplistic yet artistic style…making it easier for the average pianist to prepare with minimal practice.  Most of the songs are in easy keys such as: C, F and G Major with the exception of at least two in the key of E flat Major.

The funeral collection will consist of at least fifteen minutes playing time.

Looking forward to publishing this collection soon!

Funeral Collection for Church Pianists…almost complete!

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

Just thought I’d let you all know what’s going on in my little corner of the world 🙂

I’m trying to complete the funeral collection I’ve talked about for the past 5 or so months.  The collection is almost finished!  The hymns in this funeral collection are songs of comfort..played from the heart.

We have had so many funerals this past year at our church and so these songs have been soothing to me during the arranging process.

Song list so far for this funeral collection:

Rock of Ages,  Amazing Grace, Trusting Jesus Medley, Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us…(this amounts to about 8 minutes of playing thus far).  I hope to add a couple more.

Writing has come slow for me lately but it’s flowing more now 🙂  I hope the flow continues!

I just finished the hand-written  organ accompaniment for my recent free congregational arrangement of “Amazing Grace”.  Hope to publish it for FREE by this weekend.    I even created an audio of the piano and organ part including the vocal score…turned out real nice!  Looking forward to sharing all of this soon!

Until then…may God bless you all as you seek to honor Him in your music ministry.

O Holy Night in B Flat Major

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

The wide note range of O Holy Night makes for a challenging vocal solo!

B Flat Major seems to be a comfortable; reasonable key when singing “O Holy Night”.  Therefore, I will provide a FREE copy of O Holy Night in this key.

Keep in mind…I’ve already shared this arrangement on my free Christmas music page in the key of A flat major.  I simply transposed the same arrangement to B flat major.  The key of B flat major works great  for a male solo or duet.   Sopranos like this key too because the high notes are easier to reach.

See video below of a male vocal duet I recently played for…using the key of B flat major for O Holy Night.  Special note:  I used a different arrangement 🙂

**Click on link below video to get your FREE copy of O Holy Night in the key of B Flat Major.



Click here to download FREE copy of O Holy Night in the key of B Flat Major

New Arrangement: The First Noel

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

I just published an early advanced Christmas piano solo of “The First Noel” in the key of C Major.  This arrangement, containing two verses, would be easy to learn for the average church pianist.

The First Noel
Early advanced Christmas piano solo, 4 pgs. Approx. 1:57 min.
Price: $3.50



The First Noel Piano Solo…Coming Soon!

Saturday, December 15th, 2012

I plan to post a new advanced Christmas piano solo arrangement of “The First Noel” tomorrow.  This particular arrangement is also on my “Simply Christmas” Cd.   *The bell instrumentation will not be included in this arrangement.

Most of my arrangements on this CD were spontaneous… by ear.  It has been a challenge for me to put these songs into written form.  When I play by ear…I don’t always play correct/balanced harmony…so I”m forever grading/correcting myself as I see on paper what I really played.  (ouch!)

“The First Noel” has such a soothing melody.  I enjoyed putting this one down in writing 🙂


Simply Christmas CD Giveaway!

Friday, December 14th, 2012

Simply Christmas Cover

Today is your last chance to leave a comment to enter the drawing for a FREE Christmas CD…

Just thought I’d give my readers an opportunity to win a copy of my Christmas CD entitled: “Simply Christmas”.

Click here for audio samples

Rules for Giveaway of Simply Christmas CD

1. Leave a comment at bottom of this article to enter your name one time.

2. Share the link to this  giveaway on your personal blog, facebook or twitter and leave a second comment saying you did so.

This allows you to enter your name a second time in same drawing. (use my social share buttons at bottom of article for your convenience).

3. Drawing will be held on December 20, 2012 by 8pm EST

4. The winner will be notified by email the day of the drawing.

Important Information:

US Residents:  The Church Pianist will pay all shipping (media rate)

Residents outside the US:  The Church Pianist will cover up to $5 in shipping (media rate). Any shipping above $5 must be paid by winner.

What Child is This (Advanced Christmas Piano Solo)

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

I thoroughly enjoyed creating this advanced Christmas piano solo of “What Child is This”.

The style of this piece was greatly influenced by my exposure to Spanish classical music…especially in verse one…right hand broken arpeggios with left hand melody.  Enrique Granados was my favorite Spanish classical composer.

To be honest…I had a difficult time trying to figure out HOW to communicate the correct rhythm for the run in measure #35.  I know how it’s suppose to sound..but it’s another story trying to get that across to everyone else.  The run (in print)… played back the right way in my music program (Finale).

Hopefully…the following video of “What Child is This”… SHOULD be helpful.  I did include a few tips at the end of the video for the right hand run in measure #35.

Upcoming Post

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012


Now that Thanksgiving is over…I will be working on the recording of my advanced piano solo of “What Child is This”….which will include tips for the long run on measure #35.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I look forward to sharing this video with you soon.