Archive for the ‘Free music’ Category

FREE Piano Arrangement: Come Ye Thankful People Come

Tuesday, November 17th, 2020

Several weeks ago I sat down at the piano to create a congregational arrangement for one of my intermediate level students.

I lacked two measures finishing the hand-written copy when my student walked in for her lesson.

Instead of holding off to share…I assigned her to finish the last two measures on her own for that week.

I reminded her to stay true to the texture of the arrangement which she did very well!

Here’s the finished product that we thought we’d share with other church pianists that may need a quick offertory or as a congregational arrangement.

Click on hymn title for free download.   I’ve also posted Allie playing the arrangement below.

Come Ye Thankful People Come

A Little Bedtime Music

Saturday, October 24th, 2020

We’ve had two of our grandkids this week while their Mom had to fly out to attend her Grandmother’s funeral.   

It’s been a great week but I realized rather quickly…I’m not the young one I use to be 😉

I closed out this week by playing some of their favorite hymns for their bedtime.

Bedtime Hymns 




Abrupt Chord Change in a Hymn

Thursday, August 27th, 2020

This video gives suggestions on how to ease through an abrupt chord change in a hymn.  The hymn in this lesson is entitled “Where Jesus Is, ‘Tis Heaven”.

I had NEVER heard of this hymn until one of my readers recently shared it with me. Thanks Karen!

Download the two pages below before viewing the video. (For ease of reference)

Where Jesus Is, ‘Tis Heaven (original version)

Where Jesus Is, ‘Tis Heaven (improvised version)




Fill-in Ideas: It is Well (chorus)

Tuesday, July 14th, 2020

Just this afternoon I had one of my intermediate students ask me, “What could I play during the echo section in the chorus of “It is Well?”

She enjoyed learning the left hand patterns I entered as a suggested route.  I told her if she would learn to recognize her chords in the hymnal…it would open up a whole realm of  improvising choices!

Click on the title below to download your copy of the chorus ideas for “It is Well.”

It is Well D Flat Major


Answer key for D flat major version (below)


Answer Key to D Flat Major Version















Featuring Fred…the African Pianist! In the Bleak Midwinter

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

I know it’s not the Christmas season but had to share a video of my FREE piano arrangement…”In the Bleak Midwinter” played by Fred, better known as…The African Pianist.  Thanks Fred for your dedication to the keyboard as well as your  contagious inspiration!

Whispering Hope: “The Story Behind the Song”

Friday, May 22nd, 2020

I received the following email from one of my readers today concerning my free arrangement of “Whispering Hope”.

“I am also a church pianist and I am writing to thank you for making your beautiful arrangement of Whispering Hope available free of charge on your website. I played it for yesterday’s “Hymn of the Week” feature on our church YouTube channel. By request I’ve been featuring a different hymn every week since the pandemic lock down began, and providing some background into the writing of each hymn. “

I found the story behind this song very intriguing!

Free Hymn Arrangement From the Past: Jesus Loves Me

Saturday, April 18th, 2020


I recently received an email from one of my readers, Frederick Ikpatt.

He shared a video link of himself playing my free arrangement of “Jesus Loves Me.”

Frederick is quite the accomplished pianist!  See and hear him play Jesus Loves Me below.

Check out Frederick’s  Youtube channel.

You have to watch his “Protrait/Piano Story” of himself…very inspiring!

He practices on his keyboard even during electricity outages!

Link to download my free arrangement of “Jesus Loves Me”

Thanks Frederick for sharing your Youtube channel with us!

Jenifer Cook


Modulating Up a Half Step From Verse to Chorus

Monday, February 17th, 2020

Can the church pianist modulate up a half step from verse to chorus during congregational singing? The answer is…yes!  🙂

(Of course….with the song leader’s permission)  😉

Jenifer gives  several modulating tips in the following video tutorial.

Click below the video to download the FREE printable that provides several modulation examples for modulating a half step from the verse to the chorus during congregational singing.



Part Two Modulation Up Whole Step



Free Christmas Piano Solo: Silent Night

Friday, November 22nd, 2019

I just wrote this arrangement of Silent Night for Ady, one of my late beginner students.

She needed something that wouldn’t take long to learn.

Ady  loves it!

I will offer this Christmas piano solo for FREE until December 5, 2019.

Just click on the link below this video to download your FREE copy.

Silent Night (late beginner piano arrangement)

More About Jesus (congregational style tutorial)

Monday, November 11th, 2019

One of my piano students recently requested improvising ideas for More About Jesus.

Specs I consider before improvising a hymn:

  1. Key signature
  2. Time signature
  3. Chord structure
  4. Tempo  (the faster the tempo = less notes, the slower the tempo= more notes

In this tutorial, I added improvised notes for a moderate tempo.

Click HERE for free printable version of “More About Jesus” (verse only)