Posts Tagged ‘sacred piano solo’

Coming Soon: Advanced Sacred Piano Solo

Saturday, March 15th, 2025

At least a month ago, one of my readers requested an arrangement of The Holy City.   At first I didn’t want to tackle this beautiful piece.  I’ve always played the piano accompaniment score for my Dad to sing.  Staying true to the original form was on my mind as I began creating the arrangement for this classic hymn.

I’m doing something a little unusual this time.  Since this arrangement is in the public domain…I’m simply adapting the piece from a vocal arrangement to a piano solo.

This means that it’s legally fine for me to borrow the intro and interludes and still add my own arrangement.

I am nearing the end of the entire piece!  (handwritten format)

This coming week….I  will input this piece into my notation software.

New! Is Your All on the Altar” Advanced Piano Solo

Monday, January 27th, 2025

I hope this arrangement is a blessing to you!   I enjoyed writing another homespun arrangement of an old hymn.

The words to this hymn reminds the Christian of complete surrender to Jesus.

Is Your All on the Altar
Advanced sacred piano solo arranged by Jenifer Cook Five pages, Approximately 2 & 1/2 minutes This arrangement contains an intro, two verses & choruses, ending. Keys: F and G
Price: $5.00

Standing on the Promises: Late Intermediate to Early Advanced Level

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

Standing on the Promises is now available!   I had a hard time settling on the ending so….I shared two endings!

Both the original (early advanced) and simplified version (late intermediate) are included. Two for the price of one!

Since there wasn’t a lot of changes….I just included the simple version with the original.

Have fun deciding which version you like 🙂

Standing on the Promises
Sacred Piano Solo: Standing on the Promises. Two Versions included. Original (early advanced) Slightly simplified version (late intermediate) Three pages per arrangement (Total of 6 pages) I prefer the original version but the simplified version applies to the bottom of page two through page three. (Less sixteenth note octaves)
Price: $4.00


New Sacred Piano Arrangements on the Way…Late Elementary Level to Early Intermediate

Tuesday, April 18th, 2023

I just wrote two piano hymn arrangements yesterday with my students in mind. They’re still in the handwritten stage right now.

The names of the pieces are All Hail the Power (late elementary)  and Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (early intermediate)

These two arrangements came about after turning up a limited supply of hymn arrangements at these levels.

I’m sure there are more nice selections at this level depending on what style you’re looking for. I prefer to expose my students to different arrangers for a more diverse experience at playing the piano.

Some of my favorite books near the late elementary to early intermediate are…  (Click on book images to view more information)

Maybe some of you could suggest your favorite books or sheet music at these levels for us to glean from.  Thanks!







All the Way My Savior Leads Me

Saturday, January 28th, 2023

Several of my viewers are asking for sheet music to a short video I did on youtube this past week. The four hymns were spontaneous. So, in time I will try to create at least one more from that particular video.  It will probably be “Near to the Heart of God”.

“All the Way My Savior Leads Me” was the first hymn I played in the short video.  I would guess this is an early advanced level. My spontaneous pieces do not always have much structure but you’re welcome to wade through my homespun version of this hymn.

This piece wouldn’t take much prep time for the early advanced to advanced church pianist.

All the Way My Savior Leads Me
Early advanced sacred piano solo, 3 pgs. One of Jenifer's homespun arrangements she penned to paper when viewers asked for a printed arrangement of one of her spontaneous pieces on facebook live.
Price: $3.75

Thanks to those who encouraged me to create sheet music for  All the Way My Savior Leads Me.

Advanced Sacred Piano Solo: “His Eye is on the Sparrow”

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020


I’m almost finished with the handwritten version of “His Eye is on the Sparrow”

Warning:  For the advanced church pianist, LOTS of runs!  🙂





New Piano Hymn Arrangement: Will Jesus Find Us Watching

Saturday, August 22nd, 2020

I wrote this arrangement for “Will Jesus Find Us Watching” several weeks ago after someone requested I play it for one of my recent facebook lives.

This particular hymn has a lot of life to it!  The melody and words go hand in hand.  The level of this arrangement looks to be about late intermediate to early advanced level.

I enjoyed creating this simple; straight forward arrangement requiring minimal practice for the early advanced church pianist. The arrangement begins in the key of F Major and ends in G Major. (two verses and choruses)

Will Jesus Find Us Watching
Late intermediate to early advanced sacred piano solo, 3 pgs. First verse & chorus in F Major, Second verse & chorus in G Major.
Price: $3.50


“Crown Him with Many Crowns” Early intermediate Sacred Piano Solo

Monday, June 24th, 2019

Just finished recording this arrangement to my youtube channel.  This particular arrangement of “Crown Him with Many Crowns” is available in my book entitled “My Redeemer and Friend” published by Lorenz.

One of my early intermediate students is working on this particular arrangement right now. She said it was comfortable to the hand and plans on playing it for offertory at her church.

Just Published! Lead Me to Calvary

Saturday, June 22nd, 2019

I originally wrote this arrangement for one of my piano students and then forgot about it.  This arrangement of “Lead Me to Calvary”makes an excellent choice for the Lord’s supper, Lent, offertory or another devotional time in your service.


Late Intermediate Sacred Piano Solo: “He Hideth My Soul”

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

I’m making another one of my sacred piano arrangements, “He Hideth My Soul” from the “Funeral Collection” available as a single arrangement.

At least several of my sacred piano solos from my “Funeral Collection” are sold separately.

Recently while on vacation, I recorded four more songs from my Funeral Collection: He Hideth My Soul, Sweet by and by Medley, Trusting Jesus Medley and Wonderful Peace.

He Hideth My Soul
Late intermediate sacred piano solo, 4 pgs. Approx. length: 1:38 *Available here as a single arrangement and also in the Funeral Collection. Please note: the last line of the last page is applicable ONLY when playing from the Funeral Collection because it includes the key change to the next song in the Funeral Collection.
Price: $3.95

Here’e the recording of “He Hideth My Soul”