Posts Tagged ‘free piano hymn arrangement’

Free Piano Hymn Arrangement: “It is Better Farther On”

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

One of my readers asked if I had an arrangement for “It is Better Farther On”.

I told her I had never heard of this hymn.

She told me it was an old hymn.

So, I did an online search to hear the hymn for myself.

WHAT a pleasant surprise!  I REALLY like this old hymn!

The second and third verse are my favorites.  Verse two goes like this:

When my faith took hold on Jesus, Light divine within me shone.                       

And I know since that glad moment, “It is better farther on”.

I have plunged into the fountain, Flowing free for everyone; 

I am saved and Hope is singing, “It is better farther on.”

I’m providing a FREE simple piano arrangement of this old hymn “It is Better Farther On”. Click on the following link.


The Old Rugged Cross: Suggested Fingering

Monday, August 14th, 2023

One of my viewers recently requested fingering suggestions for my free arrangement of “The Old Rugged Cross.”

I added the suggested fingering by hand.  This is just the fingering that’s most comfortable for me.

Here are two different free PDFs for The Old Rugged Cross…

The Old Rugged Cross without fingering

The Old Rugged Cross WITH fingering

Part Two: Dwelling in Beulah Land (Chorus)

Monday, May 24th, 2021

I checked the most recent recording of our congregation singing Dwelling in Beulah Land and discovered they didn’t sing it as fast as I was thinking.

My son led this hymn in a more moderate tempo.  But…the arrangement is quite suitable for medium speed.

Some hymns just seem more demanding than others. This is one of those hymns!  Once you see the chorus…you may understand why I’m tired after playing just one verse and chorus!  😉

I get very emotionally involved in the text as you’ll notice in the chorus 😉

I’m sure  you all may have even better ideas for this particular hymn. Special note: I did add several corrections to this arrangement as of June 8th, 2021

Click here for verse and chorus



Question Concerning the Chorus:

Anybody know the purpose for the right hand quarter rests during the chorus?


Free Hymn Arrangement From the Past: Jesus Loves Me

Saturday, April 18th, 2020


I recently received an email from one of my readers, Frederick Ikpatt.

He shared a video link of himself playing my free arrangement of “Jesus Loves Me.”

Frederick is quite the accomplished pianist!  See and hear him play Jesus Loves Me below.

Check out Frederick’s  Youtube channel.

You have to watch his “Protrait/Piano Story” of himself…very inspiring!

He practices on his keyboard even during electricity outages!

Link to download my free arrangement of “Jesus Loves Me”

Thanks Frederick for sharing your Youtube channel with us!

Jenifer Cook


I Am Resolved: Free Piano Arrangement

Thursday, January 15th, 2015


I lied!  😉  I said I would publish at least the verse of I Am Resolved tonight…wound up finishing the chorus too…but don’t think you’ll mind 😉

I’ve been working on fill-ins with my most advanced hymn playing student. She plays for chapel at school and has also begun to play for church when the main pianist (her mom) is out of town or sick.  She’s doing a great job but has such a zeal to advance her hymn playing.  Well….LOVE helping her with that!

Below is a result of her lesson this week 🙂

Click here for free piano arrangement of I Am Resolved



The Church Pianist: Free Piano Hymn Arrangement (Part Two of In the Garden)

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Here is part two of the free piano hymn arrangement “In the Garden”.

This piano arrangment of “In the Garden” illustrates how the church pianist can deviate from the melody quite a bit when accompanying a vocal soloist or instrumentalist such as a violin or flute.

“In the Garden” Part One

Audio of entire arrangement: In the Garden

The Church Pianist: Free Piano Hymn Arrangement (In the Garden…Part One)

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

“In the Garden” is such a peaceful; reflective hymn.  I don’t hear it used much anymore.  This free piano arrangement of “In the Garden” (part one) shares some accompaniment ideas for the church pianist.

complete free audio HERE

Editor notes for “In the Garden”(Part One) Accompaniment

As an accompanist, it’s not necessary for me to play the melody for every word…maybe just a few here and there to give the soloist (whether vocal or instrumental) some support.

I start with melody for the first several words and then ease into more of an accompaniment style.   By measure three, I’m really into a free-style…just staying within the chord frame and being creative.

Notice how the accompaniment flows freely into each new chord change. In other words…it’s best to maintain a smooth transition from one chord to the next for this particular hymn…producing a peaceful mood.

In measure 8…most soloists will slow down on the word “discloses”.  The piano accompaniment can still maintain a steady but slower flow through the ritard.

I look forward to sharing the chorus of “In the Garden” in part two of this free piano arrangement.

“In the Garden” part one

 “In the Garden” part two


The Church Pianist: Free Piano Hymn Arrangement

Friday, March 5th, 2010

 Here’s a free piano hymn arrangement of “Since I Have Been Redeemed”.

I’m training one of my piano students to be a church pianist.   She is in level 3B of Faber Adventure series and has enjoyed learning to play this hymn arrangement of “Since I Have Been Redeemed”.

This arrangement works well for the pianist that can’t reach an octave span as of yet.

 More arrangements like this will be available in the near future for beginning church pianists.

Since I Have Been Redeemed

The Church Pianist: Free Piano Hymn Arrangement

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Every church pianist can use a free piano hymn arrangement:)   “Jesus Loves Me”, although sung mostly by children, is still an excellent hymn to play for offertory sometime.

This arrangement is best suitable for the pianist attending a small church.

I hope you enjoy this simple, homespun offertory.

Click title below to get your free arrangement:

Piano  Hymn Arrangement of “Jesus Loves Me”

Post by Jenifer Cook