Posts Tagged ‘church pianist’

Easter Prelude Hymns for the Church Pianist

Thursday, March 22nd, 2018


Easter…. a time to celebrate our Lord’s return. At our church, we include songs about Christ’s crucifixion and return.

I’ve created a list of suggested hymns that I would use for an Easter prelude service.  I’ve also placed the hymns into groups that seem to go together.

 Easter Prelude Master List

Usage tips for Easter Preludes:  (to avoid getting disoriented when applying the transitions)  😉

  • Print the hymns listed below for prelude of your choice.
  • Cut and paste each transition to the appropriate hymn

Easter Prelude #1 and #2 (transition sheet)

Hymns for Prelude #1


He Lives (page one)

He Lives (page two)

*Jesus is Coming Again (under copyright so not able to furnish a copy…just find it in hymnal in key of B flat)

Hymns for Prelude #2 (COMING SOON!)

Click link below to download & print FREE handout for Easter Prelude #3

Easter Prelude #3 (transition sheet)

* I HAD to write “Man of Sorrows”  in C because of the neat sounding transition from E flat to C  🙂

Crown Him with Many Crowns

At the Cross


Wordy Hymns: How to Play with a Conversational Style

Thursday, March 15th, 2018


How to play with a conversational style on wordy hymns…a topic that’s been on my mind lately.

A good example of a wordy hymn is “My Savior First of All”.  I’ll share tips on how church pianists can play this particular hymn with a natural/conversational tone…making for a more meaningful delivery even when playing for congregational singing.

Coming soon….next week 🙂  Hmm…next week has come and gone due to unavoidable circumstances 🙁  I will do this asap!


Practicing for Specials..Hopefully in Advance!

Monday, March 5th, 2018

From an accompanist’s point of view..

I like it when a person looks me up at least two weeks in advance to practice their scheduled vocal or offertory special instead of waiting until the last minute to rehearse.

This doesn’t include those who have to fill in at the last minute.

Which brings me to another topic…

It would be great if we all had a standby song/arrangement ready to play at a moment’s notice.  People do get sick or have other unavoidable circumstances arise that makes for last minute cancellations. If we could get all of our special music crowd (vocal or instrumental) to do this (including ourselves).

Which reminds me…it’s time for me to rehearse standby offertory specials! 🙂

What I’m reviewing: (Click on titles to go to source of arrangement)

“It is Well” arranged by Faye Lopez (my favorite “It is Well” advanced arrangement!)

“I Am Thine O Lord” arranged by Faye Lopez

“Jesus Paid it All” arranged by Mary Lynn Van Geldren (beautiful arrangement!) *Checking on availability

“Rescue the Perishing” arranged by Jenifer Cook (practicing for upcoming mission’s conference)


Offertory Tip for Church Pianists: Missing the Melody?

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus uses only two chords through the entire song! (The I and V)

This hymn is crying out for “dress-ups” from the church pianist.

Here’s several ideas I use to dress up the verse of “Nothing but the Blood”.

Notice the melody of the verse contains a lot of repeated notes.  A great time to add some spice! 🙂 You can even hold a right chord through repeated notes here and there.  You’ll notice I kept the left hand moving during the right hand chords to maintain forward motion/rhythmic drive.  The following example can be used for an entire verse if repeated.

Click here for your free download of “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus” improvising ideas.

Prelude Music for the Church Pianist

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

How many of you church pianists besides myself grab the hymnal just before service to figure out a few prelude songs to play?

That works for me ONLY because I’ve been around awhile and and have memorized many hymns over time.  Seriously, it’s best to prepare in advance…at least before heading to church.

I try to play within a certain theme such as: comfort, peace, joy, thankfulness, salvation, etc.

One of my readers recently emailed me asking if I would provide a categorized list of songs for prelude possibilities.

I also got to thinking….how nice it would be to write/arrange these preludes.

For starters, I’ll share the suggested prelude lists by topic.  (Please note: Approx. 5 to 6 minute per prelude) if each song is played two times.

Click here to print the Prelude by Topic List.












Sacred Vocal Solo Resource

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

My Dad, Reece Yandle, has several songs published through Lorenz and Sheet Music Plus.

Here’s one of my favorites that Dad has written. A great Easter solo or anytime of the year really.

Click on following title: When I Looked Up to the Cross

music-notes -swirl -staff





Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne (piano congregational)

Saturday, December 16th, 2017


music christmas ornament iconFor church pianists in the early intermediate level….here’s a piano congregational of “Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne” that I barely squeezed in for this Christmas.

Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
Early intermediate Christmas piano congregational, 1 & 1/4 pgs. Key of C One verse and chorus with 1st & 2nd ending. *Compatible for mostly unison singing
Price: $1.75

New Arrangement Coming: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

Monday, November 20th, 2017

Working on “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night” (early advanced piano solo).

The exciting part…I just came up with an intro and interlude that makes this arrangement long enough using only two verses!

Audio sample:  While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

Me-1-While-Shepherds Me-2-While-Shepherds

Vocal Special: “Nautical Medley” by My Dad

Thursday, November 9th, 2017

My dad was singing for a very special occasion here…50th year of SCACS (South Caroline Association of Christian Schools) teacher’s convention. He was the executive director of SCACS for at least 30 years.

I believe God gave Dad extraordinary strength to sing his heart out with this touching medley centered on the wonderful gift of salvation that only comes from the Lord. (He was 80 years old in this video)