Posts Tagged ‘church pianist’

Using Piano Students of All Levels in the Church Service!

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

Beginning January 2019…I’m starting something new with my piano students who attend our church….three are beginners and one  late elementary student.

I will include them in playing for the congregational singing. (At least two at a time) One on digital…the other on portable keyboard. (Evening services only)  Why? Not as big of a crowd in the evening services 🙂

(I write the hymns at their level for this)  I already have ten hymn arrangements ready for the beginners (C position and Middle C position note range)  Preparing the late elementary level ones now.

Oh!  An added plus…the arrangements can stand alone as an offertory if needed or all of the students could play as a group offertory 🙂 My students LOVE to play group offertories!  (More info below this video)

So…I’m keeping written record of who knows what song and I plug them in when I know we’re singing a hymn they can play.

This gives my students more purpose in learning and they will progress very well with this opportunity in front of them 🙂

It’s amazing how well a student advances when given the opportunity!

Side note:

Each hymn arrangement will show a minus or plus number so the student can set the appropriate key on their keyboard.

Simply Christmas CD by Jenifer Cook (On Sale)

Monday, December 9th, 2019


Jenifer Cook is offering this great Christmas deal on her Simply Christmas piano/instrumental CD now through December 15th 2019…10pm EST!

This beautiful instrumental Christmas CD would make a  great stocking stuffer for a friend or family member.

Click on the CD cover picture to the right for more details.


Christmas Piano & Vocal Book Sale!

Saturday, November 30th, 2019

Price List:

(from left to right)

  1. Soloist Christmas (Low voice)  $10
  2. Jeanine Yeager  $4
  3. Piano Adventures Christmas Books Level 3A (same books)  $4 each (good condition with student & teacher markings)
  4. Bach Around the Christmas Tree $5

Buyer pays shipping not included in price. Orders within US only please.  Paypal preferred payment.

Contact me at:… if interested.


Jenifer Live on Facebook Today!

Monday, November 25th, 2019


Here’s Jenifer’s Facebook Live Video from November 25, 2019


Free Christmas Piano Solo: Silent Night

Friday, November 22nd, 2019

I just wrote this arrangement of Silent Night for Ady, one of my late beginner students.

She needed something that wouldn’t take long to learn.

Ady  loves it!

I will offer this Christmas piano solo for FREE until December 5, 2019.

Just click on the link below this video to download your FREE copy.

Silent Night (late beginner piano arrangement)

Church Pianist Update: Thanksgiving Song (vocal)

Tuesday, November 19th, 2019



I was up before the sun this morning trying to finish my Dad’s vocal number entitled “Sing to the Lord a New Song.”

This make a great Thanksgiving choir special and it’s not real hard to learn 🙂 Sorry for working on it so late but doing my best.

Dad (Reece Yandle), wrote this song years ago and we’ve been intending to publish it as a SATB choir arrangement.

The melody of this song is very catchy and stays with you throughout the day..reminding you to praise the Lord!

Working on getting a sample for you all to hear. In the meantime….see sample picture of music below.

























New Song: He’s a Wondrous Glorious God!

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

One of my piano students, Ady Lowder, surprised me by singing her first song which she recently composed.

We’re planning on putting it to paper for publication when able.

Watch this video clip to hear a portion of Ady’s new song.

One of My Piano Students Surprised Me This Evening!

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Looking forward to sharing a video tomorrow that shares the big surprise I received this evening from one of my young piano students!

Stay tuned for tomorrow!  🙂

Update on Left Hand Patterns (1st Booklet)

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

Just to bring my readers up to date!  I’m trying to finish my first left hand pattern booklet. The written copy is near completion.

Contents for Left Hand Pattern One (Booklet One)

Four measure music examples in addition to ample application for reinforcement! (Keys covered: C , F and G and B flat)

Video content:  Teaching session of entire booklet with extra info not  shown in booklet, this includes me playing all hymn examples in the booklet.

Now to create the video that will be included with the PDF booklet!

I’m sharing the Foreword page plus one page  of the booklet.

What is the Role of the Church Pianist?

Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

I’ve been thinking lately on  the different aspects of the church pianist’s role in the church.                                                                                                 

In my 30 plus years as church pianist, I’ve never been paid to serve in the area of music ministry.

I’m not apposed to those who are paid to serve but our mindset should be “to serve” regardless if we’re paid or not paid.

As a Christian, we know that we are to strive to be Christ-like and to love the church as Christ loved the church.

Therefore, I always want to try and honor God in all I do…especially within the church consisting of my  fellow believers.

Here’s a list of ideas that run through my mind when serving at our church. (I need to take heed to this list!)


  1. Love my fellow believers as God would. It’s amazing how much falls into place when we just love our brethren no matter what.
  2. Patiently mentor those who need lots of practice
  3.  Think on words of songs while playing to clearly portray the message of the song (not just a bunch of useless dots on the page)  😉
  4. Adequate preparation to be more effective
  5. Compliment someone after they’ve played or sung a special to encourage them. (Slip them a text or note)
  6. Remember to follow the song leader   (exception: use your own judgement if you have a leader lacking rhythmic abilities 😉
  7. Give encouraging words to those you rehearse with (examples: Just sing from your heart!   I’ll pray for you as you sing, or thanks for being willing to sing, you’re such a blessing!)
  8.  Be as organized as possible! (Keep things tidy around the piano areas, such as put away music)  I have a basket on the floor by the piano at church… that holds music I need on a regular basis.
  9.  Give uprising pianists an opportunity to play for choir or prelude, etc. to build their experience level. (A great way to maintain a fill-in pianist for when you’re sick or out of town)  *Tip: try using them at least once a month to keep them in shape.  They do better if they play on a consistent schedule.
  10. The piano bench doesn’t have my name engraved on it!   SHARE!!!


I attend a small country church in the foothills of North Carolina so some of the above tips/ideas may not apply to your situation.  We have what I call a very “unique” church because they are SO loving and supportive.

When someone sings a special…our congregation is  rooting for the singer or instrumentalist, supplying periodic “amens” and nodding of heads as they listen.  You’ve probably picked up on that from the videos I share.

We also include children in our special music ministry.  It thrills my heart to hear young ones sing.  More importantly, it thrills the heart of our Savior.

Feel free to share your thoughts on the role of a churh pianist.