Update: His Eye is on the Sparrow


Finished inputting “His Eye is on the Sparrow” (all 6 pages)

I would be to my parent’s house by now for Father’s Day weekend but truck in shop prevented the trip.

So…here I sit catching up on His Eye is on the Sparrow 🙂

This particular arrangement has a very full-sounding accompaniment style which means pretty advanced level.

Now for final editing stage.  Here’s a sample from the piano/vocal arrangement for His Eye is on the Sparrow...(I used a flute for the vocal score in the recording)

His Eye is on the Sparrow



One Response to “Update: His Eye is on the Sparrow”

  1. Nelda Rust says:

    Beautiful! I can’t wait for the piano arrangement. That is one of my favorite songs. Thank you for sharing your talent.

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