Make Me a Blessing Published!

Wow!  This arrangement of Make Me a Blessing  was literally a handful to write …but fun too!

Have you ever thought about the mood of verse one?  The lyrics are on the sad side for the first part of the first verse.

So, I began in a minor key and then transitioned to Major key as the words depicted.

You need long fingers to reach some of the chords….especially the tenth chord in the left hand on the third page.

No worries…it’s a “rolled” chord 😉

Take a listen to see if this arrangement is fit for your comfort 😉

Make Me a Blessing
Very advanced sacred piano solo arranged by Jenifer Cook. Contains: intro, verse, chorus, 2nd verse and chorus with ending. Began in C minor and then to C Major, D Major and F Major! Approx. length 2:45
Price: $4.50



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One Response to “Make Me a Blessing Published!”

  1. Nelda Rust says:


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