Advanced Christmas Piano Solo: Just Published! “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks”
November 20th, 2017Just to let my readers know I just posted a new Christmas piano arrangement at the advanced level.
The Church Pianist |
A help ministry for church pianists all over the world! |
Just to let my readers know I just posted a new Christmas piano arrangement at the advanced level.
Working on “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night” (early advanced piano solo).
The exciting part…I just came up with an intro and interlude that makes this arrangement long enough using only two verses!
Audio sample: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
Just sharing a video I just found on youtube this evening… of a boy playing one of my arrangements of Amazing Grace.
He did a beautiful job!
* Most of these hymns can be downloaded & printed for free from
Place them in a notebook in the desired order for prelude.
Tip: Write brief modulation on a sticky-note staff pad to place at end of a song if needed.
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Blessed be the Name
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Count Your Blessings
For the Beauty of the Earth
Great is Thy Faithfulness
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
I Will Praise Him
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart
There Shall be Showers of Blessing
To God be the Glory
Handout Sheet Links (click on each sheet to download and print) 5 sheets total
Prelude Modulation Tips (fill-in sheet) *answer key
1. Modulating up a 5th & Whole Step (basic chord structure)
2. Modulating up a 5th (examples)
3. Modulating Up a Whole Step (examples)
4. Modulating Up a _?___(examples)
*Nice resource for notating your modulations between songs for prelude!
Click here: Staff Post-it Notes (4 pack) 50 sheets per pad!
Great Page Protectors for Musician’s!
Jenifer will be sharing Modulating Tips for Prelude tomorrow…
(Thursday) November 16th, 2017 at 8pm EST.
Click on following link to watch video live at 8pm EST tomorrow night. Can’t make it? No problem.
The video will still be available at the mentioned link. I will provide printable handouts by Thursday morning here on my website.
My dad was singing for a very special occasion here…50th year of SCACS (South Caroline Association of Christian Schools) teacher’s convention. He was the executive director of SCACS for at least 30 years.
I believe God gave Dad extraordinary strength to sing his heart out with this touching medley centered on the wonderful gift of salvation that only comes from the Lord. (He was 80 years old in this video)