Gesu Bambino (two piano)

December 13th, 2018

Here’s a very festive sounding two piano Christmas arrangement which I wrote last year.   I already published it on Sheet Music Plus last year and just now remembering to plug it into my online store.  I thoroughly enjoyed playing this duo with a friend on facebook live a year ago. I’ve included  a video of myself playing with my keyboard recording 🙂


Gesu Bambino
Advanced two piano Christmas arrangement by Jenifer Cook 10 pages, Approx. length: 4:00 Great piece for offertory or recital! A very festive sounding selection with lots of contrast! The performers will appreciate the balanced interchange between parts.
Price: $5.50

New & Used Piano Books (Christmas books too!)

December 12th, 2018

Just to make my readers aware of our piano book sale going on now through December 19, 2018

Click on either picture below to view all of the available piano books on sale.


Christmas Piano Recital

December 6th, 2018

My annual student’s Christmas recital is today at 6:30pm EST.  You’re welcome to listen in! Four of my piano students will be playing at least a couple numbers each… in addition to a couple impromptu Christmas solos from myself.

Feel free to leave comments while watching the recital. My students would love to see the feedback 🙂

Important Announcement: Music Store Back Online

November 27th, 2018

Our music store is up and running! There is a slight chance that some of the songs won’t download. IF that happens…please email me immediately.

I check my email several times a day and will be glad to email your purchased music.


Lorenz: Christmas Piano Solos and More…

November 12th, 2018

Spending the morning browsing Lorenz’ Fall Piano 2018 Piano Solo Books for Christmas and beyond 🙂

Lorenz Publishing has a youtube channel dedicated to providing church pianists with visual and audio samples from most of their sacred piano books.  It’s a great resource!

Some of my favorites so far… from the Fall piano 2018 series are: Click on each image for details. (See video below)

Enjoy browsing below to find your favorite piano books!

Pedal Tips for the Church Pianist

November 9th, 2018

Does your hymn playing sound cloudy or too choppy and you just can’t figure out how to fix these issues?

I’ll share several tips that will hopefully help the beginning church pianist to  sound smoother.

Prep list for correct pedaling:

  1.  Sit on the front half of the bench
  2.  Knees barely under the keyboard
  3.  Right leg will be at an angle (heel remains on the floor when pressing pedal)

When to pedal? Pedal once  per chord change

To avoid choppy sound in playing: NEVER lift pedal and hands at the same time during a hymn that needs to sound smooth.

Lift the pedal while the hand is going down on the new chord

Coming Soon: Pedal Tips Video Tutorial

November 8th, 2018

I’m preparing a video tutorial on pedal suggestions for the church pianist who would appreciate some helpful tips on how to sound smooth when playing hymns.

Get ready with these prep tips!

  1. Sit elbow length from the keys (knees should be slightly under keyboard.)
  2.  Sit on front half of bench

More pedaling tips coming soon!

Lorenz Book: “My Redeemer & Friend?

November 5th, 2018



Just received my complimentary copies of “My Redeemer and Friend… in the mail yesterday! 🙂

I like the book cover…very tastefully done!

Want four FREE arrangements? Check out the promotional offer  when purchasing this book:  HERE

Two New Christmas Piano Solos!

November 3rd, 2018

I’ve written two new Christmas piano solo arrangements this week at the early intermediate level.

What Child is This was patterned after my advanced arrangement of What Child is This.

Infant Hoy Medley is the second piece…written today 🙂 (It consists of “Infant Holy & Away in a Manger”

What Child is This?
Early intermediate Christmas piano solo, 4 pgs. Enjoy playing this very flowing arrangement loaded with lush chording. *This arrangement is patterned after the advanced piano solo version.
Price: $3.95
Infant Holy Medley
Early intermediate Christmas piano solo, 3 pgs. Enjoy playing this simple yet pleasing lullaby reminding the listener of Christ's birth. This medley consists of "Infant Holy & Away in a Manger"
Price: $3.00

New Christmas Piano Solo Arrangements! (Early Intermediate)

November 3rd, 2018

Just to let my readers know…I’m working on “Infant Holy” right now to hopefully publish by today!

I already published “What Child is This?” (early intermediate piano solo) just yesterday.

Both of these can be free (for limited time)… when ordering my book from Lorenz entitled: “My Redeemer and Friend”.


See promo details for this book at the following link: PROMO DETAILS

See sampling of “What Child is This?” below:

What Child is This