Accompanying Vocal Specials: Practice Tips
August 17th, 2019Practice Tips
Part One
Finding time to practice vocal specials is a challenge for most church pianists! Listen to Meryt Wilson and Jenifer Cook as they discuss this challenging topic.
The Church Pianist |
A help ministry for church pianists all over the world! |
Finding time to practice vocal specials is a challenge for most church pianists! Listen to Meryt Wilson and Jenifer Cook as they discuss this challenging topic.
Meryt Wilson, one of my dear piano friends and myself, try to get together at least once a year to boost our music creativity. This year we decided to discuss the topic of “Accompanying Vocal Specials”.
We usually spend the day sight reading each other’s books that may be new to us. We also enjoy playing spontaneous numbers as you will see below.
Meryt Wilson, one of my dear piano friends and myself, try to get together at least once a year to boost our music creativity.
We decided this year to discuss the topic of Accompanying vocal specials.
This is just a candid conversation that took place between us.
Choosing the song for a singer may not be needed most of the time… but here are some suggestions on how it could benefit some singers.
Next video excerpt will discuss practicing tips with vocal specials! Have you ever heard of audacity? I’ll mention it in the next video.
What is the accompanist’s role? Should the vocal soloist sing a song just because it’s their favorite? What to do if a singer forgets his or her words? Should you play melody throughout?
Come join Jenifer Cook & Meryt Wilson for a time of discussion on the above topics and more…including funny or embarrassing moments as accompanists at the keyboard.
To be aired here on Jenifer’s website this Saturday, August 17, 2019.
The following article discusses the limitations that come with the intermediate level church pianist. A reminder, they are doing the best they can do for the moment. But with a little extra practice…they can blossom into a fuller sound of playing by expanding their right hand horizon; opening up space for more left hand creativity! The following article is meant to encourage the intermediate level church pianist.
Most intermediate level church pianists play basically in the middle area of the keyboard when accompanying congregational singing or other vocal specials.
(See the picture of their range below)
The bass part in the hymnal doesn’t normally go below the second G under Middle C and the right hand probably doesn’t go as high as the second F above Middle C unless the intermediate pianist takes quick ventures into the upper register 😉
When the right hand stays within this boundary…the left hand playing space is limited. Taking the right hand an octave higher for an occasional spin…opens up more room for the left hand. This does not mean the pianist must stay an octave higher throughout the entire hymn. It’s actually better to use a combination of both the middle or upper register for variety in sound.
When to change registers for the right hand? In my early days of training, I was taught to change right hand registers at the end of a line which equates to at least two sentences. It’s nice to gradually work your way up or down by playing extra chords or notes leading into whatever register you’re heading for.
See example below in the hymn excerpt “Like a River Glorious” (click on image to enlarge)
Interested in a notebook which stores your 8 & 1/2 x 11 inch sheet music AND prevents page turns?! Every church pianist can greatly benefit from this special designed notebook!
I just recently purchased one of these ChoreoKeeper notebooks and absolutely LOVE it!
The ChoreoKeeper notebook easily displays up to six pages at once. (see video HERE where Catherine (the designer) shows how to display more than six pages with minimal turns) There’s more….the notebook can also accommodate 11″ x 17″ landscape format sheet music! See info HERE on Catherine’s blog. (scroll down a ways to see)
The notebook will easily hold up to 50 pages of music which is stored in bi-fold or tri-fold reduced-glare sheet protectors.
See the following link for more details: CHOREOKEEPER
Catherine, the inventor of the Choreokeeper, is graciously willing to give away one free Choreokeeper in a drawing to be held next Monday, July 15th!
1. Leave a comment at bottom of this article to enter your name one time. If you want to enter your name a second time…
2. Share the link to this giveaway on your personal blog, facebook or twitter and leave a second comment…providing the link in your comment. This allows you to enter your name a second time in same drawing. (use my social share buttons at bottom of article for your convenience).
3. A random drawing will be held on July 15th, 2019… 8pm EST.
The winner will be announced here on my website sometime after 8pm EST on Monday… July 15, 2019
Quite often, while surfing facebook, I would come across a video advertisement for this Choreo Keeper notebook.
I never clicked on the video until recently and was very intrigued with the idea of no more page turns!
I decided to buy one of these notebooks and try it out for myself. Absolutely LOVE it!
No more page turns for offertories! (notebook size paper arrangements fit the page protectors for this notebook)
More details soon!
Just finished recording this arrangement to my youtube channel. This particular arrangement of “Crown Him with Many Crowns” is available in my book entitled “My Redeemer and Friend” published by Lorenz.
One of my early intermediate students is working on this particular arrangement right now. She said it was comfortable to the hand and plans on playing it for offertory at her church.