Coming soon: Christian Vocal Solo & Early Advanced Piano Solo

October 13th, 2020

Looking forward to having one of my students over this Thursday evening to share some music with you all via live facebook.

Ady LOVES playing the piano and singing!  She’s going to play and sing a song she composed not too long ago entitled “Wondrous, Glorious God”…a great selection for Thanksgiving!

She doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to present her with the complete arrangement (vocal and piano score) in Thursday night’s live facebook event.

Her song “Wondrous Glorious God” will be available on Sheet Music Plus by this Saturday. (She doesn’t know that either….LOVE surprising my students!)  😉

See you all soon!  This Thursday at 7pm on my facebook music page:

You do not need a facebook account to view this live event on Thursday evening at 7pm EST

Oh! I almost forgot!  I’m also publishing an early advanced piano arrangement of “Crown Him with Many Crowns”  by this Saturday as well.

The whole arrangement: verse chorus, chorus is in the key of C Major 🙂


Grateful Church Pianist

October 10th, 2020

As a church pianist…I’m extra grateful for my parent’s influence on my life by providing me with a rich heritage of godly music.

My Dad turned 84 today and still singing for God’s glory.

Just thought I’d share a family video of him singing a couple of years ago with a long time family friend, Jerry Baker. Jerry Baker and his wife Linda, were missionaries in Christian broadcasting for a number of years.

Hymns at the Piano with Jenifer Cook

October 1st, 2020

Just decided to share an evening of hymns with my listeners.  Thanks for your encouraging notes!

I enjoy winding down in the evenings with the great hymns of the faith.


Church Pianist Tip: Page Turn!

October 1st, 2020

Last Sunday I had to play for our church’s guest missionary couple. I had never heard of the song and there were at least five page turns.

I had one of our flute players turn pages for me.  Another quick tip helped a bunch!  I simply wrote the approaching chord on the last measure of each page so it would sound like I knew what I was doing at the turn of each page.  😉  Seriously,  this tip helped me stay in the right chord frame for each page turn.

The Choreo Keeper would have been a life saver that morning  but I left it at home where I use it the most.














Church Pianist’s Meets an Obstacle! Bug Mishap!

September 27th, 2020



His Eye is on the Sparrow (piano arrangement)

September 15th, 2020

I just finished publishing “His Eye is on the Sparrow” very advanced piano arrangement!

This arrangement is another one of my homespun piano arrangements 🙂

I tried to capture the notes flowing out of my fingers as I felt them from my heart.

NOT an easy task! Definitely for the advanced church pianist, in my opinion. (even if it is in the key of C Major)

His Eye is on the Sparrow
Advanced sacred piano solo, 4 pgs. Approximately 2:00 A simple intro gives way to a reflective mood ending in a confident powerful message "And I know He watches me!" Contains one verse and two choruses.
Price: $4.00


Update: His Eye is on the Sparrow Piano Arrangement

September 14th, 2020


Just an update on “His Eye is on the Sparrow” advanced piano arrangement…

I just added the final touches this morning and now having a piano friend “test drive” it for me 😉

I’ll be publishing this advanced piano arrangement  sometime this week!

What took so long?  Well…more detail since it’s more advanced.  I tried to re-create it from hearing myself play it on youtube.

This is what I call one of my home-spun arrangements…right from my heart to paper.

I hope you find it playable!  I actually like writing at this level more than any other but it does demand a lot of brain work!



Advanced Sacred Piano Solo: “His Eye is on the Sparrow”

September 2nd, 2020


I’m almost finished with the handwritten version of “His Eye is on the Sparrow”

Warning:  For the advanced church pianist, LOTS of runs!  🙂





Abrupt Chord Change in a Hymn

August 27th, 2020

This video gives suggestions on how to ease through an abrupt chord change in a hymn.  The hymn in this lesson is entitled “Where Jesus Is, ‘Tis Heaven”.

I had NEVER heard of this hymn until one of my readers recently shared it with me. Thanks Karen!

Download the two pages below before viewing the video. (For ease of reference)

Where Jesus Is, ‘Tis Heaven (original version)

Where Jesus Is, ‘Tis Heaven (improvised version)




New Piano Hymn Arrangement: Will Jesus Find Us Watching

August 22nd, 2020

I wrote this arrangement for “Will Jesus Find Us Watching” several weeks ago after someone requested I play it for one of my recent facebook lives.

This particular hymn has a lot of life to it!  The melody and words go hand in hand.  The level of this arrangement looks to be about late intermediate to early advanced level.

I enjoyed creating this simple; straight forward arrangement requiring minimal practice for the early advanced church pianist. The arrangement begins in the key of F Major and ends in G Major. (two verses and choruses)

Will Jesus Find Us Watching
Late intermediate to early advanced sacred piano solo, 3 pgs. First verse & chorus in F Major, Second verse & chorus in G Major.
Price: $3.50