FREE Sacred Piano Arrangement: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”

I shared a post a couple of years ago of me playing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” excerpt from my congregational playing at my church.

A good handful of you have expressed interest in that arrangement.  I tried to duplicate the arrangement into written form.

This particular arrangement is accompaniment style only… not compatible as a piano solo.

Click on the following title to download this free piano congregational arrangement.

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

5 Responses to “FREE Sacred Piano Arrangement: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus””

  1. Hillary says:

    Thank you for sharing this with us.
    God bless you.

  2. […] I am working on a “FREEBIE” for “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”  congregational style.  (Not intended for piano solo since it’s accompaniment style) Download it HERE […]

  3. Loren & Louise Lustig says:

    “Congregational Style” arrangements (often free) from Jenifer: Louise and I have been a big time fan of Jenifer’s music for about 5 years. What she calls “congregational style” is for us (with our moderate skills) perfect for “Special Music”. As such, we have a VERY LARGE stack of these arrangements and present them (to our rural PA worshipers) as “special music”. In truth they are VERY SPECIAL since Jenifer honors the savior by making them free of charge to the whole world. Like the old gospel hymn says “WHOSOEVER WILL MAY COME”. Thanks so much, Jenifer, for all that you have provided to us and all your web site “members” Blessings on you always…

    Rural PA

    • Jenifer Cook says:

      Thank you Loren and Lustig for your faithful encouragement! I was so excited I was able to meet you both in person at my church last fall.
      Appreciate you both very much!

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