Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

Simple Offertory

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Sometimes it’s refreshing to hear a simple offertory.  I like to be able to distinguish the melody when hearing an instrumental special. My son, and another gentleman in our church were suppose to play a guitar/harmonica offertory this past Sunday night. Unfortunately, they hadn’t had much time to practice.

They asked if I would play along on the piano with them for support. They wouldn’t be able to practice until Sunday evening before church during the time I had to practice with the vocal special for that night. So…I quickly wrote a simple piano accompaniment that Sunday afternoon and had my daughter-in-law practice with them that evening.  They did great for a last minute ensemble!

Here’s the video of them playing “In the Sweet By and By”.

Click here for free copy of the piano arrangement for this simple offertory  (including melody score for an instrument)

Tip: The accompaniment may also be used to accompany a vocal solo

Christmas at Home Highlights ( part two)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012


As I viewed part two of Christmas at Home highlights…these thoughts came to mind:

The drama and music tips found in the back of the cantata book were very helpful. For example:  Possible seating and microphone arrangement for stage.  Another great tip: “Whenever the readers are seated, their heads should be bowed. This signifies that they are “out of scene”.  (My thoughts: this also keeps the readers from being a distraction while the choir sings).

I almost forgot to mention…we chose not to  sing two of the songs in the cantata because they were more suited for a larger choir.

Notice how transitional/background music can be effective (around 8:20 on this video) * This transitional music is not in the cantata book.  I just made it up to cover a spot while the singing quartet returned to the choir.

One last reminder…this video contains only highlights of the  cantata.  The video presents a portion of the songs and drama to give you an overall  taste of this “down-to-earth” drama packed with a strong salvation message.  There wasn’t a dry eye in the auditorium when we finished this heart-gripping story.   A special thanks to Majesty Music for allowing us to share these highlights of Christmas at Home.

We look forward to learning and improving as we seek to share God’s message through music. The more prepared we can be…the more effective our music ministry will be for God’s glory.


Christmas at Home (Highlights) Part One

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Our church choir thoroughly enjoyed putting on this production of Christmas at Home by Majesty Music.  

Majesty Music has granted us special permission to post these highlights on youtube.

About two-thirds of our choir do not read music.  Also, several of us have about a 40 minute commute to church making for shorter rehearsals. Therefore, we simplified the music to two parts or unison.  Initially, I was to coach the speaking cast… but our other pianist’s husband had to have serious surgery…making it necessary for me to play piano in the beginning rehearsals.  I thought the speaking cast did a superb job in spite of the circumstances.

I’ll share one of our stage secrets…one of our playcast members wrote their lines on a card and stuck them to a stage prop for security.  It worked great 🙂

Enjoy watching part one of Christmas at Home (highlights)…


Highlights from Christmas at Home

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

Our church just performed Christmas at Home last night. The Lord really blessed through this heart-rending story packed with a powerful salvation message.

This particular cantata was done in Reader’s Theatre style…actors face audience as they speak.  (Our actors tried to warm up the play by interacting more than the normal reader’s theatre style.)  They did a great job for starting a short while before the play. We plan to have our actors memorize their parts for any further programs.  Memorizing parts will give them more opportunity to focus  on expression and interaction/reaction.  So important!

I’m hoping to see them do this one again in full-acting style!

I’ll share a quick story about this particular cantata.  Years ago, when my son was around 4 years old…our church in Charleston (Northside Baptist Church)  did this play.  There’s a scene where the doctor amputates the drummer boy’s leg with a saw. (not literally of course).  My son thought it was real.  He wouldn’t talk to our friend (the doctor) for the longest time because of this scene.  We finally convinced him that the doctor was only pretending 🙂

I received permission from Majesty Music to post the cantata on youtube.  Since I’m still in the editing process of the tape…I’m posting several drama highlights from the cantata. You can view them below. The final video presentation will share highlights from the entire cantata.

Another nice Christmas cantata from Majesty Music is Born to Die.  I hope to use it for our church within the next several years.

Have a very merry Christmas!  I’ll post again sometime next week.

Free Arrangement of Silent Night

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

I shared this free arrangement of “Silent Night” last year on my site on the “Free Christmas Piano Arrangements” page.  Since I’m rather busy this week getting ready for my annual Christmas recital to be held on Thursday…I will share a video recording of this free arrangement of “Silent Night”.

Now…looking ahead to my next article…I need my reader’s help! What Christmas carol do you find to be  the most awkward to play from the hymnal?   Leave a comment below…giving me the name of a Christmas carol fitting this description. I will create an article on the “most mentioned” Christmas carol.  I will give everyone until Friday to leave a comment.  Thanks for your help!

“Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne” was the most mentioned Christmas carol in the comments below. So…I’m working on it right now and will post an article soon! Thanks for your feedback.

Finally Home by Reece Yandle

Friday, November 4th, 2011

 Just sharing a video of my dad’s recent solo during my visit this past weekend. I feel most free at the piano when accompanying my dad.

*I believe this particular arrangement is out of print but I found it at As of right now…they only have 13 copies left at $1 each.  Click here to see if any copies are still available.

Video: Abide With Me (sacred piano solo)

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

Here’s a video of my most recently published advanced sacred piano solo of Abide With Me.

The words to this hymn were written from a dying minister, who awakened to the fact that to know Christ was everything…and life was only for a moment.

Abide with me fast falls the evening tide! The darkness deepens, Lord with me abide;

When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy Word before my closing eyes. Shine thru the gloom and point me to the skies;

Heav’n’s morning breaks and earth’s vain shadows flee, In life, and death, O Lord, abide with me.

Just As I Am (chord substitutions)

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

One of my readers recently asked if the chord substitutions of Just As I Am tutorial video was available in sheet music.  I have since created the sheet music for this brief lesson.

Click on the following link to see the video of Just As I Am chord subsitutions for the final line of this soul-stirring invitation hymn. I use the minor chord substitutions in this hymn…to give it a warmer sound.

Just As I Am (video link: chord substitutions)

Click here for free sheet music of Just As I Am chord substitutions

 Free Piano Arrangement of Just As I Am (invitation background style)

Uplifting Song: God Will Take Care of You

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

I do not hear this song much anymore but it’s in most of our church hymnals and carries a comforting message of God’s protection over his children.

A friend of ours emailed the following video of “God Will Take Care of You” that’s absolutely a blessing!  Just thought I’d share it with those of you who may not have seen it yet.

The Church Pianist: His Eye is on the Sparrow

Monday, February 21st, 2011

His Eye is on the Sparrow has always been a favorite of mine.  On a recent visit to my parent’s house…I accompanied my dad to sing this old but comforting hymn.

Dad has always taught me to “feel” the words when I play or sing.  He seems to make the words come to life as he sings from his heart to the Lord.  Thanks Dad for being such a wonderful teacher!  Thanks to a patient Mom who made me practice piano which prepared me for years of service to the Lord in the music ministry.

Please allow the message of this song to soothe your soul 🙂