Archive for the ‘Special Music’ Category

Piano Duo: Jesus Loves Even Me

Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

I arranged “Jesus Loves Even Me” with a teacher/student scenario in mind which worked well for this Grandma & grand daughter team. This was their first time to play together. Exciting!  (To be published hopefully by this weekend…August 4, 2018)

Pastor’s Mom and youngest daughter, Debra Bixler and Allissa Bixler played for the offertory this past Sunday morning.

It’s a joy to see family take part in the music ministry of the church!





Just Published: “It is Well” by the Mountain Stream

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

As promised…here’s the impromptu version of “It is Well” which I played by a mountain stream while on vacation this past spring.

It is Well (by the mountain stream)
Late intermediate piano solo; 3 pgs. Approx. length 1:20 *Jenifer's requested version of "It is Well" that she recorded by a mountain stream while on vacation.
Price: $3.75

Entering “It is Well” By the Mountain Stream…

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

Busy this morning entering “It is Well” (late intermediate piano solo) into my computer program for publication very soon!


Update on “It is Well” by the Mountain Stream

Monday, July 16th, 2018

Just finished the handwritten copy of “It is Well”.  Hope to publish it sometime this week! 🙂



Interlude Tip for the Church Pianist

Thursday, July 12th, 2018

Ever have a hard time trying to figure out what to use for an interlude between verses when accompanying a vocalist or other small ensemble?

Here’s just one interlude method I use to help the soloist find his way back to the next verse…

My Lorenz Book Update!

Monday, June 25th, 2018

Getting excited!  Only two more songs to edit before turning the book into Lorenz Publishing. (Due to Lorenz by July 1, 2018)

The book title is “My Redeemer and Friend” (subject to change if necessary) Early intermediate sacred piano solo arrangements.

Here’ s the official song list for the book.

Patriotic Vocal Solo: This is America by Reece Yandle

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

Reece Yandle, my Dad, wrote “This is America” a patriotic vocal solo, about twenty-five years ago and I just re-discovered it on one of my recent visits to my parent’s house.

I told Dad he HAD to get this one published!

I will try to provide at least a sample video of “This is America” asap.

This beautiful patriotic anthem speaks of our loyalty to America and reminds us that God gave us America and how we need to keep her free!

Click on title to view sample page and audio:  This is America

Dad also has another Patriotic vocal solo available entitled “In God We Trust.” The words of this tasteful melody reminds us to trust in God no matter what comes our way. View sample page and audio:  In God We Trust



Anybody Else Play Simple Offertories?

Monday, May 7th, 2018


I confess, I played an impromptu offertory  from the hymnal last night.  Actually, if truth be told, I play simple offertories most of the time.

(We also attend a small country church where “simple” is best 🙂

The older I get….the more simple I become 🙂  (You young ones may understand this later on in life).

I do enjoy playing a nice well thought out arrangement but it’s nice to return to a less crowded piece as well.

In my younger years, I played ONLY pre-made arrangements with LOTS of frills. (We were also in a larger church at the time).

Now…I find it soothing to play a hymn in a less busy style….allowing me to focus more on the message of the song.

Of course, what may seem simple to me may sound fancy to someone else since I do incorporate runs as the need arises 😉

Just curious… what do you play for offertories the most…full-fledged arrangements….simple arrangements…..or a little of both?

Piano Offertory Ideas for When I Survey

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

Need piano offertory ideas for When I Survey? I just shared a few tips with a skype student yesterday that may be helpful for other church pianists.

Keep in mind this lesson is geared to the early intermediate student but the tips are applicable to all levels of church pianists.

Church Pianist Tip: “Choosing Specials”

Monday, April 9th, 2018

Do any of your special music people ask you to help them choose a special?  Over time…our special music people have learned that I ENJOY helping them choose a song.  Watch the video below to learn a suggested tip on how I help them choose their special. (There are other factors too but dealing with the main one first.)  🙂