Archive for the ‘Special Music’ Category

Update on my Lorenz book “My Redeemer and Friend”

Thursday, October 25th, 2018

My book with Lorenz entitled “My Redeemer and Friend” is now available. Click HERE to go to Lorenz’s site.

Below is a list of the ten arrangements slated for this book.  All of the arrangements are at the early intermediate level.

  1. All the Way My Savior Leads Me
  2. Close to Thee Medley
  3.  Crown Him with Many Crowns
  4. Fairest Lord Jesus
  5. His Eye is on the Sparrow
  6. Jesus is All the World to Me
  7. Jesus What a Friend for Sinners
  8. O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
  9. Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
  10. What a Friend We Have in Jesus

*Special promotional offer!

Promotional period: October 29th through November 18th, 2018….

Anyone who buys “My Redeemer and Friend” book during this promotional period… will receive four free piano solo arrangements (of buyer’s choice)… from my online store.  *Special note: this offer excludes my “offsite” arrangements.  They’re marked “offsite” in the product description on my site.

*Two free piano solo arrangements after November 18th through Dec. 30th, 2018

Simply email your receipt (proof of purchase) to  along with your four requested songs.

My book should be available in digital format this week on Lorenz’ site!  (week of November 5th 2018)

*Special note: I have two different promotional offers going on….1st promotional is for my Christmas arrangement “Manger Medley” and the second one is for my book”My Redeemer and Friend”   Click HERE to see promotional for “Manger Medley”.


Here are a few sample pages from my book…









New Christmas Piano Solo! Manger Medley

Thursday, October 25th, 2018

I’ve entered the Holiday Arranging Contest once again with Sheet Music Plus.  My arrangement submission is “Manger Medley”…a moderately advanced piece.The contest selling period is October 30th through December 14th, 2018. The arranger who sells the most copies during October 30th through December 14th…receives $300 and advertisement exposure. When I won first place with my last entry…I used the money to attend the Atlanta Composer’s Symposium where I go each year for composer’s rejuvenation 🙂   (My book with Lorenz was a direct result from attending this Symposium) Thanks to my readers who made that possible!  🙂

Now to offer a special promotional offer for this new piece! Details below:

Those who purchase the sheet music for this piece from Sheet Music Plus during October 30 thru December 14, 2018….will receive two free piano solo arrangements of your choice from my online website store.

Anyone purchasing this arrangement on Sheet Music Plus site AFTER the above promotional period…can choose one free piano solo arrangement from my site up through December 30, 2018

*Must provide proof of purchase & email it to

Click on following link to visit my online store: Piano solo arrangements

click on following title to purchase “Manger Medley”

*Reminder: Promotional period is Oct 30th thru December 14th, 2018

*Special note: I  have two different promotionals going on soon. 1st promotional is for this Christmas arrangement of “Manger Medley” and the second one is for my Lorenz book “My Redeemer & Friend” Click HERE to see book promotional details.

Christmas Cantata “Herald the News” for Sale

Tuesday, September 18th, 2018

I have fifteen copies of the Christmas cantata “Herald the News” in fair condition as described below:

Covers and pages are in great shape! CLICK ON IMAGE TO PREVIEW ON YOUTUBE

Most books have a minimal amount of pen or pencil markings

Three of the books have name in pen on front cover (small writing)

One copy has a blemish with small amount of a scratch in cover

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

We also have eleven more copies of this cantata but most books either have worn binding; two have no covers

These eleven copies are well-used but in readable condition

Price for the fifteen in fair but good condition: $15 plus $5 shipping

Price for the eleven in well-used condition: $10 plus $4 shipping

Price for both sets: $30 (includes shipping)


Easy Three-Part Mens’ Ensemble: Are Ye Able?

Saturday, September 1st, 2018

I enjoy writing  easy three-part arrangements for our Men’s ensemble.  “Are Ye Able” was one of my favorite hymns when growing up in church.

The stirring message of this hymn makes it suitable for a men’s group.  The main emphasis of this hymn speaks of loyalty to Christ…a great reminder for us all.

Our men’s ensemble really enjoyed singing this hymn as you will notice 🙂    Sheet music for “Are Ye Able” is  available below the video:

Are Ye Able Said the Master
Easy three part arrangement for men's ensemble. 4 pages Price covers one copy for pianist and one copy for each member of the group.
Price: $8.00

One of My Favorite Sacred Piano Books: Lost in Wonder, Love, and Praise by Mary McDonald

Friday, August 31st, 2018


I enjoy playing through this nice sacred piano book “Lost in Wonder, Love, and Praise” by Mary McDonald and published by Lorenz.

My most favorite one in the book is Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy. It’s just…..beautiful!  I always have a soft spot for minor key songs.

Listen to several excerpts from the book below.



Church Pianist Update: Current Writing Projects

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

Just thought I’d share what I’m currently writing. I have been sick since Sunday and itching to get back to writing.  We were out of town all last week on a family visit…so looking forward to getting back to work…writing music!

Over the past several years I have been transcribing arrangements from my “Simply Christmas” CD.  I’m almost done with the handwritten version of “Manger Medley” as played on my Christmas CD.  I would consider this arrangement to be early advanced.

I recently arranged an easy men’s three part arrangement of  the old hymn “Are Ye Able,” Said the Master  The text of this hymn challenges us to live our lives fully for Christ…remembering how He sacrificed all to lay down His life for us. I’ll be publishing a video of one of our men’s group singing this arrangement and the sheet music will be availalble in our online music store at:

Oh how I love hymns with such rich meaning!  May we all focus more on what we’re singing. It’s SO easy to just get caught up on a melody.  (I needed that reminder)  😉

Piano Offertory Idea: Medley

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018

Hey! Just played a medley for offertory tonight that I REALLY enjoyed (homespun of course;)

Oh How He Loves You & Me (followed by…..)
O How I Love Jesus (chorus only)
Tag: the last line of Oh How He Love You & Me

Lyrics seem to flow in this order. I liked ending with the last line of “Oh How He Loves You & Me” for emphasis.

Oh how I WISH that “Oh How He Loves You & Me” were public domain but still under copyright.

In the Sweet By and By (free video tutorial)

Monday, August 13th, 2018

Busy times here lately so just barely time for a quick video tutorial on In the Sweet By and By.

One of my readers recently requested piano solo ideas for In the Sweet By and By and here’s what I had time to share.

Editor notes for first half of verse: 

Left hand (eighth note movement to produce a flowing affect)

Right hand used one four note fast passage (16th notes) for dressup….see if you notice where it occurred 🙂

Editor notes for second half of verse:

Left hand pattern changed for variety (Eighth note…quarter note…eighth note…..etc.) *See above picture for illustration of rhythmic pattern.

Right hand: I added alto note for more fullness


Less movement for variety

Occasional rhythmic dress-ups in right hand

Thank You Video From Church Pianist Readers…

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

I truly appreciate all the kind words of encouragement that I’ve received over the years from my readers.

Just thought I would share a recent note and video from a couple of my  readers.  Loren & Louise are a husband and wife team who volunteer of their time to  minister through music to various churches in their area as needed for Sunday services, weddings and funerals.

I would love to meet Loren & Louise in person just as I would those of you I’ve corresponded with through the years. (We can meet for sure in Heaven)  🙂

Thanks again for all of you encouragers!  That’s what keeps me writing 🙂

Loren and Louise are playing my arrangement of “Draw Me Nearer & Close to Thee” …available HERE

*Loren and Louise apologized for the organ and piano being somewhat out of tune but I could easily overlook that as I heard them play from their hearts 🙂

Jesus Loves Even Me: One Piano Four Hands or Two Pianos Four Hands

Saturday, August 4th, 2018

Just published “Jesus Loves Even Me” as a piano duet (4 hands) and two pianos (4 hands).

Not everyone has two pianos in their auditorium so hopefully this is helpful for both situations.

I wrote the teacher part for our Pastor’s Mom to play with one of  her grand daughters for the first time ever 🙂

It definitely was a special moment as you’ll see below 🙂  *Minimal changes were made to the one piano version.

Jesus Loves Even Me (One Piano 4 Hands)
Student Part: 2 pgs. (Late beginner) Teacher part: 4 pgs. (Early intermediate) *Two Piano Version is also available on Piano Ensemble page (same levels) See youtube video below of the two piano version which is very similar to the one piano four hands version.
Price: $5.00
Jesus Loves Even Me (Two Pianos)
Jesus Loves Even Me (Two Pianos)
Student Part (2 pgs) Late beginner, Teacher Part (4 pgs.) Early intermediate *Also available for one piano - four hands on the Piano Duet Page
Price: $5.00