Archive for the ‘Special Music’ Category
Just Published! Lead Me to Calvary
Saturday, June 22nd, 2019I originally wrote this arrangement for one of my piano students and then forgot about it. This arrangement of “Lead Me to Calvary”makes an excellent choice for the Lord’s supper, Lent, offertory or another devotional time in your service.
Three Early Intermediate Short Piano Offertories on the Way!
Thursday, June 20th, 2019Three Early Intermediate offertories on the way to publication soon! I have a surplus of arrangements that I write for my students and find it a challenge to take the time to input them into my computer program (Finale).
The titles are: Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lead Me to Calvary and The Love of God.
Just need to do a little tweaking!
Patriotic Music for the Church Pianist
Thursday, June 6th, 2019Just thought I’d share a couple links to patriotic songs.
My Dad, Reece Yandle, wrote this vocal solo years ago and it remains one of my favorite vocal patriotic songs.
The song is entitled, “In God We Trust”.   It has been used as the theme song for a teacher’s convention and sung by dad at different meetings. People were always asking for a copy of the song so I wrote it out and published it a while back.
Dad has written many songs! I need to publish more of them. Presently, Dad has at least six songs of his available in digital format (pdf sheet music) on Sheet Music Plus’ site found by clicking HERE.
Dad’s song of “In God We Trust” can also be purchased by clicking the “Buy Now” button below which will direct you to Sheet Music Plus’ site.
The final selection is a patriotic piano solo (early advanced) of “God Bless America” that I wrote several years ago.
I entered this patriotic piano arrangement in a contest sponsored by Sheet Music Plus and was surprised to hear I won first place in the sacred piano solo contest.
“God Bless America” is still under copyright so I’m unable to create a video recording of the arrangement. I received special permission to create the written arrangement.
If you’re wanting to purchase this arrangement…be aware that it’s only for sale on Sheet Music Plus due to the copyright agreement.
When you click on the “buy now” button…you’ll be re-directed to Sheet Music Plus’ site where you’re able to purchase the piece.
Ladies’ Trio: The Love of God
Tuesday, June 4th, 2019I wrote this ladies’ trio arrangement of “The Love of God” back in 2011. My younger son’s brother-in-laws sang it for his wedding.
So… I guess ladies or men can sing this one 🙂
Recently, I came across a sampling of the following video on face book…shared by the president of Ambassador Baptist College.
They were generous to supply me with the entire video which I’m sharing below. The ladies from the college did an excellent job! (So did the pianist) 🙂
You need to have the Audio Player Plugin installed to use this shortcode
Late Intermediate Sacred Piano Solo: “He Hideth My Soul”
Monday, June 3rd, 2019I’m making another one of my sacred piano arrangements, “He Hideth My Soul” from the “Funeral Collection” available as a single arrangement.
At least several of my sacred piano solos from my “Funeral Collection” are sold separately.
Recently while on vacation, I recorded four more songs from my Funeral Collection: He Hideth My Soul, Sweet by and by Medley, Trusting Jesus Medley and Wonderful Peace.
Here’e the recording of “He Hideth My Soul”
Peppy Hymns for Piano Arrangements
Wednesday, May 15th, 2019Update:Â Just to let you know:Â I’m working on a moderate advanced piano solo for “The Old Account Was Settled Long Ago”
You can still leave peppy hymn suggestions below 🙂 Thanks!
One of my readers requested more piano solo arrangements of the old traditional peppy hymns. A great suggestion!
So…I thought I would ask my readers for some peppy hymn suggestions.
Our niche is the traditional hymns in the public domain.
Examples: When I See the Blood, Showers of Blessing
The hymn is copyrighted if it has a copyright label at the bottom or top of the hymn similar to this:
The hymn is public domain if there isn’t a copyright label at the bottom or top of the hymn similar to this:
New Beginner Sacred Piano Solos!
Wednesday, May 15th, 2019Just to alert my beginner church pianists…I published two beginner sacred piano solos this week.
The titles: Near the Cross and No Not One.  I wrote these pieces for my students. My younger students have really enjoyed playing No Not One. The older beginner students like Near the Cross.
Both pieces contain suggested fingering for the beginner to late beginner student.
Piano Tip: Rushed vs. Non-rushed!
Friday, May 3rd, 2019I think we’ve all been guilty of rushing busy passages in piano arrangements. The brain computes…”lots of notes….I must go fast!”
When in reality, a lot of these passages are meant to be handled a bit slower than what appears on the page.
Take time to “feel” the music…breathing life into the piece!
Improvising Hymns: First Booklet in the Works!
Friday, March 29th, 2019I want to create a series of booklets on hymn improvising ideas for the church pianist.
The first booklet is going to deal with left hand patterns for devotional style hymns. (I’m working on it now)
The most challenging part for me is presenting everything in a well ordered approach.
I want to keep these books practical, short and concise. Each booklet will deal with one topic.
Another booklet will deal with right hand fill-ins and so on. Hopefully the church pianist can grasp the concept(s) from each booklet in order to make application on their own.
Each booklet will provide a sufficient amount of examples for ample reinforcement.
The booklets will be geared to the intermediate and beyond church pianist.
The church pianist will need to know their scales, chords and chord inversions. A prior knowledge of interval reading would also be helpful.
For the first booklet, the concepts and examples will be presented in the keys of C , F, and G Major for ease of application.
I’m considering naming the booklet series “Making Hymns Expressive”.