Interested in a notebook which stores your 8 & 1/2 x 11 inch sheet music AND prevents page turns?! Every church pianist can greatly benefit from this special designed notebook!
I just recently purchased one of these ChoreoKeeper notebooks and absolutely LOVE it!
The ChoreoKeeper notebook easily displays up to six pages at once. (see video HERE where Catherine (the designer) shows how to display more than six pages with minimal turns) There’s more….the notebook can also accommodate 11″ x 17″ landscape format sheet music! See info HERE on Catherine’s blog. (scroll down a ways to see)
The notebook will easily hold up to 50 pages of music which is stored in bi-fold or tri-fold reduced-glare sheet protectors.
See the following link for more details: CHOREOKEEPER
Catherine, the inventor of the Choreokeeper, is graciously willing to give away one free Choreokeeper in a drawing to be held next Monday, July 15th!
To enter the drawing, simply do the following:
1. Leave a comment at bottom of this article to enter your name one time. If you want to enter your name a second time…
2. Share the link to this giveaway on your personal blog, facebook or twitter and leave a second comment…providing the link in your comment. This allows you to enter your name a second time in same drawing. (use my social share buttons at bottom of article for your convenience).
3. A random drawing will be held on July 15th, 2019… 8pm EST.
The winner will be announced here on my website sometime after 8pm EST on Monday… July 15, 2019