Archive for the ‘Offertories’ Category

Sacred Trumpet Solos!

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

I was looking for sacred trumpet solo arrangements for our Pastor to play during the offering. I found the following books on one of my favorite sites: Sheet Music Plus.  I was able to “SAVE THEM FOR LATER” purchase on their site….LOVE that feature!

Top Choice:

I enjoy hearing our Pastor play his trumpet for offertory and glad to find books we would reasonably utilize!

Free Piano Arrangement: Showers of Blessing

Friday, October 3rd, 2014

With Thanksgiving right around the corner…I thought I’d share a free advanced piano prelude arrangement of “Showers of Blessing”.

Notice the tempo marking at the beginning.  The rate of speed makes the difference in this piece!  I didn’t realize how much activity there was in my prelude playing until penning this particular one to paper. Wow!  No wonder I’m tired after preludes!  😉

*You can download the pdf version and hear complete audio  at the bottom of this article.


*Click on title to download pdf version of this free piano arrangement:

“Showers of Blessing”

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Latest Products for September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

I just wanted to let my readers be aware of the latest products published in our online music store.  The following arrangements are also available in the Funeral Hymn Collection that was published earlier this summer.

Does Jesus Care
Does Jesus Care
Early advanced sacred piano solo, 2 & 1/2 pgs. *Also available in the Funeral Hymn Collection
Price: $2.50
Rock of Ages
Advanced sacred piano solo, 2 pgs.Approx. 1:28 Excellent for short offertory or funeral prelude. Very flowing piece. *Also available in the Funeral Collection.
Price: $2.50
Trusting Jesus Medley
An early advanced piano solo of two well-known hymns: "Simply Trusting with Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus". Use for offertory or funeral prelude. 5 pgs. *Also available in the Funeral Hymn Collection.
Price: $3.95

The Love of God (alternative fill-ins)

Monday, August 18th, 2014

I know…not all church pianists have big hands like Rachmaninoff!  With that in mind…I created alternative fill-ins for the runs in The Love of God advanced piano solo that I just published a couple days ago.

I hope these alternative fill-ins will be more user-friendly for those with small hands.  The whole piece is really written for a pianist with large hands but maybe those of you with smaller hands can adapt this arrangement with these alternative fill-ins.

Click here to download alternative fill-ins




The Love of God: Advanced Piano Solo: Published!

Friday, August 15th, 2014

Just published the sheet music for the advanced piano solo of “The Love of God”.

I love to play runs as you will notice in this arrangement.  I guess you could say this arrangement is “overrun” with runs 😉

Seriously,  I tried to bring the words to life in this beautiful hymn.

“The love of God is greater far Than tongue or pen can ever tell;

It goes beyond the highest star And reaches to the lowest hell.

The guilty pair, bowed down with care, God gave His Son to win;

His erring chile He reconciled And pardoned from his sin.


The love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong!

It shall forevermore endure, The saints’ and angels song.

 The touching message of verse three was found written on the wall of an insane asylum….penned by a male patient.  These soul-stirring words were discovered  at the time of his death.

“Could we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made,

Were ev’ry stalk on earth a quill, And ev’ry man a scribe by trade,

To write the love of God above Would drain the ocean dry;

Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Tho’ stretched from sky to sky.”

What an awesome message all wrapped up in one verse!  I would venture to say this man was in his right mind when he composed this heart warming message.

The Love of God
Advanced sacred piano solo, 3 pgs. Approx. time length: 2:07 Youtube video below of entire arrangement
Price: $3.50

Hear complete arrangement on my youtube channel

*Special note:  I will be providing an article with free fill-in alternatives for the runs to those who prefer the less busy passages 🙂


The Love of God Advanced Piano Solo

Thursday, August 14th, 2014

Finally! The Love of God advanced piano solo is complete! I wrestled with the ending for quite a while.

Thanks to Hannah Myers, one of my advanced students, for giving some excellent suggestions!

This hymn is one of my favorites.  Have you heard the story behind the writing of verse three?  Very touching!  I will have to share it soon 🙂

Just wanted to share the video of my completed arrangement for The Love of God.  Sheet music coming tomorrow!

Youtube Recordings for The Piano Invitation Collection…

Monday, July 21st, 2014

News for my church pianist readers: I’ve been creating video recordings of The Piano Invitation Collection and publishing them on my youtube channel.


The Love of God (finished handwritten copy!)

Saturday, July 19th, 2014



Wow!  I just finished writing the hand-written copy for The Love of God.

I just started it yesterday!  That doesn’t happen too often.  Thank you Lord!

Now…to input it into Finale which takes at least three hours to complete along with layout details.

I  allow several days for the piece to settle before I finalize it.  Reviewing the piece after a day or so allows me the chance to catch mistakes I may not have caught otherwise or…discover a different chord path altogether, etc.

Current Writing Project: The Love of God (Advanced piano solo)

Saturday, July 19th, 2014


Yesterday, I started a new advanced piano solo arrangement of “The Love of God”.

I have struggled in the past trying to write a piano solo version of The Love of God. Several years ago I created a vocal trio with piano accompaniment for this hymn.  It was easier to write since I didn’t have to stick to the melody.

As I sat at the piano yesterday…a motive (a melodic pattern)… just came to me which you will hear in the introduction. I tried to stay true to the style of the song so as not to distract from the message.

This particular arrangement will be written in my “free style” of playing which I enjoy the most. ( no structure!)  yay!  Although structure does make the arrangement more user-friendly.

Thanks to many such as Ashley & Karen who have requested that I write an arrangement for The Love of God.

The Love of God (audio sample)

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Published! Piano Invitation Collection

Monday, June 16th, 2014

Blue soft light on piano keys

I just published the piano invitation collection!  I thank the Lord for giving me the strength and clarity of thought through the editing process.

I originally planned twelve arrangements for this collection but added a bonus arrangement without extra cost 🙂  The bonus arrangement is  “Draw Me Nearer Medley”.

The entire invitation collection is on sale now through July 4th for $15!

Playing background music is my ultimate favorite way to play 🙂  I just play in  a more conversational style to enhance the message of the hymn.

The overall level of playing for this collection is late intermediate to early advanced. I always play more lightweight in nature during the invitation… to create a more appropriate atmosphere.

I will be posting youtube videos of each selection as time allows.  You can also hear a sampler of the collection above.

Please note: If you want to purchase additional items with this collection…go to “Advanced Piano Solos” in the music store to buy this collection.  The following “buy now” button doesn’t allow for purchasing additional items.


Piano Invitation Collection
Late intermediate to early advanced piano solos, 33 pages Song titles include: Have Thine Own Way Lord, I Have Decided, I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go, I Must Tell Jesus, I Surrender All, Just As I Am, Lord I'm Coming Home, Only Trust Him, Softly and Tenderly, Take My Life and Let it Be, Take the World but Give Me Jesus, Throw Out the Lifeline. Special note: Bonus piece included! "Draw Me Nearer" Price based on twelve arrangements. This collection contains a total of thirteen arrangements.
Price: $16.00