Archive for the ‘Offertories’ Category

Piano Christmas Books for Sale

Friday, December 11th, 2015

Christmas-in-the-Air Sing-We-Now-Book

Just had a few spare moments to post two more piano Christmas books for sale HERE…for those who may need that last minute offertory to prepare for 🙂

Just Published! Congregational Piano Hymn Arrangements: Booklet Two

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

So glad to have finally finished this collection of Congregational Piano Hymn Arrangements! I always enjoy writing in an accompaniment fashion…much more can be played than the melody 🙂

I may have strayed more from melody in this second collection but not enough to lose your congregation 😉

Hope you enjoy this collection!  A special thanks to the John W. Peterson company for working with me to include “Heaven Came Down” which I REALLY had fun writing!


Congregational Piano Hymn Arrangements (Booklet Two)
10 Late intermediate to early advanced piano congregational arrangements. 37 pages Songs include: And Can it Be, At the Cross, Come Thou Fount, Heaven Came Down, Higher Ground, I Shall Know Him (My Saviour First of All), It's Just Like His Great Love, My Faith Has Found a Resting Place, Near the Cross, What a Friend We Have in Jesus) *Special note: The arrangements in this booklet do not support the four-part singing found in most hymnals. *Other suggested uses: vocal solos, violin specials, unison choir specials. **Another special note: These arrangements can not stand alone as piano solos since some of the melody is absent during the piano accompaniment.
Price: $16.00

Greg Howlett: FREE Arrangement

Wednesday, October 7th, 2015

I’m on Greg Howlett’s email list and just received an email from him offering his piano arrangement of “O Sacred Head Now Wounded” for FREE at the following link:

Free Arrangements

As stated by Greg: “You might recognize this arrangement because it is an adaption of a longer version I recorded of this song on Quiet Place. I hear from people often who want arrangements from that album and this is the most requested song.”

Here is Greg playing it on youtube:


Holy Holy Holy (alternate ending!) FREE

Thursday, October 1st, 2015


Several of my church pianist readers have requested an easier alternate ending for the piano arrangement of Holy Holy Holy.

So…I’m offering it for FREE below as a pdf printable version.  This will replace page 3 & 4 of the Advanced version of Holy Holy Holy making it accessible for early advanced pianists!


*Link for full arrangement below:

Music Store  Advanced Piano Solos

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Monday, September 28th, 2015

I published a late intermediate arrangement of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen a couple  years ago.  I was needing an early intermediate arrangement of this Christmas song for one of my piano students to play for recital this year…so…got up around 5 am last week and this one just flowed.

It’s not very long because we like short and sweet recitals 😉  The shorter solo also allows time for the student to learn a piano duet with me for the recital.

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Early intermediate Christmas piano solo, 2 pgs. Approx. 1:00 Great recital piece or short offertory! This uniquely crafted arrangement begins and ends with a flair!
Price: $2.75

Sacred Piano Duet: Come Thou Fount

Saturday, August 1st, 2015

Just thought I’d share a video clip of the sacred piano duet “Come Thou Fount” performed by myself and my student, Hannah Myers.

We played it this past Wednesday for offertory before heading out to the MusiCollege 2015 event.

We thoroughly enjoyed playing this peppy arrangement on a cloudy day 🙂

Lorenz Sacred Piano Book Review

Wednesday, July 15th, 2015


Another nice sacred piano book from Lorenz for the church pianist!  This book is listed as an intermediate level but some of the pieces may lean more towards early advanced.  A total of fourteen arrangements makes this a nice investment!

My ultimate favorites in this book?

God of the Ages (God of Our Fathers) nice patriotic one!

I Hear Thy Welcome Voice

He Never Said a Mumbalin’ Word

I’ve shared audio samples below of my preferred ten out of the fourteen.

Ah Holy Jesus  Ah Holy Jesus

God of the Ages  God of the Ages

He Leadeth Me   He Leadeth Me

He Never Said a Mumbalin’ Word  He Never Said a Mumbalin Word

I Hear Thy Welcome Voice   I Hear Thy Welcome Voice

In the Cross of Christ    In the Cross of Christ

More Love to Thee    More Love to Thee

O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus   O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus

Rejoice the Lord is King   Rejoice the Lord is King

Trusting Jesus   Trusting Jesus

As a church pianist, I always get excited when discovering a book that can be well utilized for offertories.  He Leadeth Me is one such book!

*For  more information or to purchase… click Lorenz Publishing Corporation



Church Pianist Update

Saturday, July 11th, 2015

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What am I doing now?  Inputting my congregational arrangements for the second booklet and creating sample audios for another great sacred piano solo book from Lorenz called He Leadeth Me. 

He Leadeth Me is a nice collection of sacred piano solo arrangements by various arrangers, some I’m not as familiar with… but enjoy their style.

I hope to share a book review on He Leadeth Me this coming week.

Advanced Sacred Piano Solo: Holy Holy Holy

Wednesday, July 8th, 2015

Just published a very advanced piano solo of “Holy, Holy, Holy” today!

Thanks to several of my piano friends for test driving the piece before publication!

Just sharing youtube recording of the arrangement:

(Buy sheet music listed below the video)


Holy Holy Holy (VERY ADV.)
Very advanced sacred piano solo, 3 & 1/2 pgs. A very moving rendition of a well-known hymn. Jenifer's fresh stylings bring this hymn to life as it communicates the thought of God's holiness.
Price: $3.95

Nice Patriotic Piano Offertory

Friday, June 26th, 2015


Just came across this piano book, “May Jesus Christ be Praised” with a nice patriotic medley by Marilynn Ham and thought I’d share it.  You can only view the first two pages but it’s a nice looking piece for offertory! I also like the looks of “When Morning Gilds the Skies”.  These are arrangements are for the advanced pianist.

Sheet Music Plus has it on sale right now for $13.59 plus shipping. I’m buying my copy right now 🙂

Not sure how new this book is but I haven’t seen it before.