Archive for the ‘Offertories’ Category

God Bless America (piano solo)

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016


Super excited to announce the publication of my advanced piano solo arrangement of God Bless America!  I’ve always dreamed about being able to publish such an arrangement but copyright prevented that.

Thanks to SMP Press, aka Sheet Music Plus,  ( a site I also publish sheet music through) … now offers a chance for its publishers to arrange 1000’s of copyrighted songs through ArrangeMe with SMP Press.  I plan to use this platform of opportunity as time allows.

The advanced piano solo arrangement of God Bless America is only available through SMP Press at the following link:

The Old Rugged Cross (fill-in ideas with hymnal version)

Monday, April 4th, 2016

I recently published fill-in ideas for The Old Rugged Cross.

One of my readers asked me today if I could include the fill-ins on the printed hymnal version for ease of use.

I had to cut and paste and resize the fill-ins to fit the printed copy of the hymnal version so it’s kind of rough looking but it’s the best I could do with time allowed in my schedule.

Thanks for the suggestion Becky!  🙂

Click on following titles to download your free copies of the following:

The Old Rugged Cross (verse fill-ins)

The Old Rugged Cross (chorus fill-ins)

Old Hymn Revived! “Ready”

Friday, April 1st, 2016

How many church pianists have ever heard of the hymn “Ready”?  One of my readers recently  requested an offertory arrangement for this hymn.(actually just yesterday) Thanks Nancy!

I googled the hymn because I didn’t recognize the title right away.  Once I saw the music score, I realized it was one I grew up with… but rarely heard.

One main idea comes to my mind after skimming through the words of each verse…Total Commitment to Christ No Matter What. How convicting when I insert the words “Am I…” before each phrase.

After reading the words to each verse I thought, “This is a hymn worth reviving!”   The writer of this hymn, Charles Tillman, was the son of an evangelist. He painted houses and was also a traveling salesman for a music company out of Raleigha, NC in the late 1800’s.  Charles began his career as a singing evangelist in 1887. He died at the age of 82 in 1943.

Lyrics to “Ready”

Ready to suffer grief or pain,
Ready to stand the test,
Ready to stay at home and send
Others if He sees best.

Ready to go, ready to bear,
Ready to watch and pray,
Ready to stand aside and give,
Till He shall clear the way.

Ready to speak, ready to think,
Ready with heart and mind,
Ready to stand where He sees fit,
Ready His will to find.

Ready to speak, ready to warn,
Ready o’er souls to yearn,
Ready in life or ready in death,
Ready for His return.


Ready to go, ready to stay,
Ready my place to fill,
Ready for service, lowly or great,
Ready to do His will.

I hope other church pianists can use this old but wonderful hymn to enrich their music ministry at church.

Sacred early advanced piano solo, 2 & 1/2 pgs. Approx. length: 1:16 Complete audio below (youtube link)
Price: $2.95


Assurance Medley Just Published! Very Advanced Sacred Piano Solo

Saturday, March 19th, 2016

The “Assurance Medley” has been one of my favorite sacred piano arrangements to play.  I arranged this after asking the Lord to be my Savior at the age of 29.

The order of the hymns in this medley were meant to portray the feeling I had when accepting Christ as my Savior.

I hope this arrangement is an encouragement to you as it has been to me.


Assurance Medley
Very advanced sacred piano solo, 4 pgs. Video below of entire arrangement!
Price: $3.95




Day by Day (sacred piano arrangement)

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

I’ve been in the writing mood ever since our recent snowstorm. (Guess I need more snowstorms to blow in) 😉

Just wrote this early intermediate sacred piano arrangement of Day by Day for one of my teenager lady students who plays in church quite often.  I’ve been grooming her for church pianist material 🙂

She’s been needing an offertory requiring minimal practice… because she’s already trying to learn a new congregational song I gave her recently on top of reviewing all the ones she’s learned.

Remember the two congregational collections I published?  Well, I’ve been writing early intermediate level for some of them along the way and Hannah (the student I’m speaking about)  plays for congregational singing when I’m out of town.

She recently had to cover the whole service on a moment’s notice this past Sunday night. (I wasn’t able to make it due to road conditions with snow and ice.) She said it went well….great experience for her!

Day by Day
Early intermediate sacred piano arrangement, 3 pgs.
You need to have the Audio Player Plugin installed to use this shortcode
Price: $2.75


Grace Greater Than Our Sin: Early Advanced Piano Arrangement

Saturday, January 23rd, 2016

As a church pianist, I’m always looking for offertories that don’t require alot of practice since I play quite often.  I also attend a small church so shorter offertories work best.

While snowed in this week, I decided to write and finish a piano hymn arrangement in one day like I use to when I first started this website.

Grace Greater Than Our Sin has been on my mind a lot lately, so decided to try writing an arrangement and the thoughts just flowed for a change!

Hope you enjoy this early advanced arrangement of “Grace Greater Than Our Sin with Amazing Grace”.



Church Pianist News!

Friday, January 22nd, 2016


I’m publishing a new early advanced piano arrangement tomorrow entitled, “Grace Medley”.

I’m snowed in and this arrangement was the result 🙂

Here’s a sneak preview…

Grace Medley

Forgotten Hymn: May the Mind of Christ My Savior

Friday, January 15th, 2016


I love to look through old hymnals for long forgotten hymns that I can try to revive.

But I stumbled across this forgotten hymn in one of my devotional books this week, entitled, “Amazing Grace 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions” written by Kenneth W. Osbeck

I absolutely LOVE this book and not sure how I acquired it.

“May the Mind of Christ My Savior” had two authors: Words by Kate Wilkinson and Music by A. Cyril Barham-Gould (what a long name!)  I couldn’t find much information about either author but had to share this hymn loaded with rich meaning!

Here’s an excerpt from my devotional book which introduced this hymn…

“Each day our prayer life should include the request that the Holy Spirit reveal the mind of Christ to us.   It is vitally important that we nourish our minds daily with quality materials_ things “that are just, pure and lovely.”  Philippians 4:8

Click on title below for FREE PDF:

May the Mind of Christ My Savior (lyrics included)


Nothing But the Blood of Jesus (free accompaniment)

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015

frog green notes

Several years ago, I published a piano solo (elementary level) of “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus“.   Later on, I came up with a simple accompaniment on a second piano while my student played the solo arrangement on another piano.  We played it in church and I shared the video on my youtube channel.

Since that time, several church pianists have asked for the teacher accompaniment part which was in my head until now 😉

The teacher’s part may not sound identical to the youtube version…. but it’s close!

Hope you enjoy using this free accompaniment version for “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus.” (elementary piano solo)

“Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” FREE piano accompaniment


Nothing But the Blood of Jesus

Tuesday, December 29th, 2015

I published an elementary piano solo of Nothing But the Blood of Jesus several years ago.

I also promised to provide the alternate (second piano) teacher or student piano accompaniment for FREE.

Well, I’m working on the second piano part and should hopefully finish it by the end of this week.

Click this link…. to hear the two piano arrangement of this hymn.