Archive for the ‘Offertories’ Category

Piano Arrangements: He & Were You There

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Just to remind my readers about the recent publication of “He” (early advanced piano solo) and “Were You There” (advanced piano solo)…both have been entered in the Sacred Music Contest on Sheet Music Plus’ website. The song with the most profit through April 11th, 2017…wins the cash prize.

Thanks to those who have already purchased one or both of these arrangements!


Special deal for those who purchase either or both contest songs from Sheet Music Plus during the Sacred Music Contest selling period…now through April 11, 2017.

You can choose one free arrangement from our music store for each contest song you purchase. (Maximum: two free arrangements) *Doesn’t include offsite arrangements.

Just email us your receipt from Sheet Music Plus and your choice(s) of arrangements from our music store.

The contest selling period ends April 11, 2017 and you have until April 20th to email your receipt for your free arrangement(s).

If I win either or both categories….I’ll be using the cash prize to help towards attending the annual Composer Symposium in Atlanta, Ga. this June.

Faye Lopez highly recommended this event to me several years ago and I’m finally going! 🙂 Very excited about learning more to enhance my music writing!

“He” early advanced piano arrangement can be reviewed or purchased HERE

“Were You There” very advanced piano arrangement can  be reviewed or purchased HERE

Special note: “He” is under copyright so unable to provide video of entire arrangement.

Video of the Very Advanced Version of Where You There…


Saturday, March 11th, 2017


I keep forgetting about sharing this advanced piano arrangement of My Savior’s Love.   Thought I’d better do so in time for some of you to  learn for Easter 🙂

I published this one in 2009…yeah…and forgot all about it until recently when one of my facebook friends mentioned liking the arrangement  and someone today asked if it was available. That put me on a search!

It took a while for me to locate the original file but came across it tonight.  So…hope it can be used by some of you church pianists out there! 🙂

My Savior’s Love (advanced sacred piano solo)

Were You There Update: Very Advanced Piano Solo

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

The contest I entered on SMP Press begins tomorrow…March 1, 2017!   I entered “Were You There” very advanced arrangement and “He”  early advanced arrangement.

Audio sample for “He”  HERE

Both songs are available on SMP Press right now but please wait if you can… to purchase starting tomorrow. The contest selling period ends on April 11, 2017.


Special deal for those who purchase either or both contest songs from Sheet Music Plus during the contest selling period

You can choose one free arrangement from our music store for each contest song you purchase. (Maximum: two free arrangements) *Doesn’t include offsite arrangements.

Just email us your receipt from Sheet Music Plus and your choice(s) of arrangements from our music store.

The contest selling period ends April 11, 2017 and you have until April 20th to email your receipt for your free arrangement(s).

Click on the song titles in the first paragraph to view on Sheet Music Plus (the location of the contest).

Here’s a video of the very advanced version of Were You There.

Clarification: The early advanced version…the 2nd video below….is not part of the contest and it’s available in our music store now




Nice CD for Church Pianists!

Sunday, February 26th, 2017


Just happened across a nice CD for church pianists while trying to find sheet music for Kenon Renfrow’s piano arrangement of “Fairest Lord Jesus”. The CD is called “I Will Praise Him“.

I’m not sure at this point if Kenon has sheet music for Fairest Lord Jesus but will find out asap. I heard this arrangement on Abiding Radio this morning while getting ready for church and just LOVED it!!  Ah…just found most of the arrangements to this CD on youtube!  Listen to Fairest Lord Jesus HERE 🙂

I bought Kenon’s CD entitled: “I Will Praise Him” which by the way is a beautiful sounding CD. I listened to sound samples HERE and discovered that Kenon’s site: Piano Music Now had the CD’s for a very reasonable price.

A great piano CD for any church pianist looking for fresh stylings to hymns.

Church Pianist in a Rut!

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017




So…I admit…I’m a church pianist in a rut! What to do?  Time to surround myself with different arrangers’ music….which means….sightread!

Do you have a collection of books that you use mainly for sightreading purposes? I do.  Most of the arrangements in these books are too long for our offertory time. I could shorten some of them but that’s not always the best option since the arrangement usually builds in intensity and I don’t want to interfere with a well-rounded presentation of an arrangement.

It seems like the longer offertories are a lot of times the more challenging ones. I NEED that extra challenge to keep my fingers limber.

Occasionally, I’ll play a longer arrangement because I REALLY like the arrangement and want to share it.

Have you heard of  Abiding Radio? I’m listening to it (online)… for musical inspiration 🙂

I’m curious….what do other church pianists or pianists in general do to get out of a rut?  Would love to hear your ideas!

Just Published! Were You There (early advanced)

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017



For those of you who play early advanced level…this arrangement of Were You There is for you 🙂 (available HERE or below)

Special note: The early advanced arrangement of Were You There is not a part of the contest mentioned below.

For those of you who don’t know…I’ve entered  the 2017 Sacred Piano Music Contest hosted by SMPress (aka Sheet Music Plus).

I’ve  just submitted a VERY advanced version of “Were You There” and early advanced version of “He” to SMPress.

I’ve actually entered two categories this time.  1. Public domain hymn 2. Pre-approved Copyrighted Hymn

The selling period for the contest runs March 1st through April 11, 2017. The composer who generates the most profit during the selling period wins $300 per category and a badge is applied to their composer page giving them more credibility and exposure. See my SMPress composer page here. 

Those of you who can wait to purchase the VERY advanced “Were You There”  and/or “He”….during the contest selling period (March 1st through April 11th) can receive up to two free arrangements of your choice from our online music store *One free arrangement per song purchased. (Doesn’t include offsite arrangements)

All you need to do is…forward us the email receipt from Sheet Music Plus (SMPress) along with your free arrangement(s) request(s).  We will then email your free arrangement(s) the same day or the following morning.

Special note: I will provide the links to the competition arrangements once they are available.

Were You There?  (Early advanced)
Early advanced sacred piano solo, 4 pgs. This intense arrangement paints a vivid picture of the death and resurrection of Christ. Your congregation will be greatly moved by this rendition of Were You There.
Price: $4.95

Update on “Were You There” and “He”

Friday, February 10th, 2017


For those of you who don’t know…I’m entering the sacred piano writing contest hosted by SMPress (aka “Sheet Music Plus“)

I’ll be entering two categories with REAL advanced arrangements:

1. Public Domain Category: “Were You There”

2. Copyrighted Hymn: “He”

Both of these arrangements will first be available on Sheet Music Plus… the duration of the contest selling period which is March 1st through April 11th, 2017.  After April 11th…it will also be available on our site.

Basically, whichever contestant sells the most copies of their arrangements during March 1st through April 11th …wins!

But wait! There’s a catch. You will see these arrangements on SMPress’ site as early as February 21st but please wait to purchase March 1st through April 11th… IF you don’t mind helping me win the contest. My website gains more exposure if I win.  Thanks to you and many others…I won first place last spring with  “God Bless America” arrangement… seen HERE.  (only available on Sheet Music Plus due to copyright laws).

Chance to receive two free piano arrangements from our music store! How?

For those of you can wait to purchase during the contest selling period of March 1st through April 11th…will  receive up to two free piano arrangements (if buying both songs). Just email your receipt of purchase from Sheet Music Plus to receive two free piano arrangements of your choice! Or…buy one of the contest songs and received one free piano arrangement of your choice from our music store 🙂

I will post the Sheet Music Plus link to both of these songs by February 28th 🙂

Special note: The early advanced version of “Were You There” (not being entered in contest) will be available on our site beginning February 21st.

Audio sample for “He”

Audio excerpt for “He”




New Sacred Piano Arrangement: Day by Day

Friday, January 27th, 2017


Just published an early intermediate sacred piano arrangement of Day by Day.

I’ve had it written for a while but just got around to publishing it.

This particular piano arrangement was written for one of my students who plays offertories at her church.

She considers this one of her favorites. I’ll try to get video of her soon playing this arrangement.

Day by Day
Early intermediate sacred piano arrangement, 3 pgs.
You need to have the Audio Player Plugin installed to use this shortcode
Price: $2.75


“Then Sings My Soul” formerly known as “How Great Thou Art” Advanced Piano Solo

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

Just re-published “Then Sings My Soul” formerly known as “How Great Thou Art”.

I was asked by the music company that  owns the lyrics to the words of “How Great Thou Art” to rename this arrangement or otherwise pay royalties for the use of the phrase “How Great Thou Art”.

I personally don’t feel they can universally own the phrase “How Great Thou Art” but sincerely want to stay above board on this issue.  (It’s been and is still a very controversial issue with others besides myself).

The reason for my delay was trying to locate the original file to rename the arrangement.  I just found the file this morning while rummaging through old files that I had searched before numerous times.  (I was thinking the file had been lost a couple years ago when I accidentally deleted alot of my music files)

I’ve had MANY requests for this arrangement since taking it offline for awhile during the re-naming process.

Thanks for your interest!  I truly enjoy writing for you all!

Then Sings My Soul
Advanced sacred piano solo, 4 pgs. One of Jenifer's best sellers! See video below
Price: $5.00



Time to Plan for Easter Music!

Wednesday, December 28th, 2016


Gearing up for Easter music!  Planning ahead is the key! How many of you church pianists are involved in planning for your church’s Easter service?

I’m trying to decide on a nice Easter ensemble medley for maybe three to four pianos, flutes and clarinet for an offertory. Feeling the creative juices flowing too! I think I’ll adapt my trio piano version of “Power in the Blood Medley” for this group.

Concerning choir music…we usually don’t have a full-fledged program due to time limitations but try to learn new songs for these special occasions.

One of my favorite Easter cantatas is “The Bread of Life” by Lloyd Larson. All of the music is very well done!  I found a fairly decent recording of this very cantata on youtube.  It helps to hear a good representation of the music before tackling a new song…also provides the director with the interpretation ideas of the song such as word coloring (emphasizing certain words to elevate the meaning of the text)…. and also….what tempo is most effective.

At this point, the one song we’ll be learning from this cantata is “Taste and You’ll See” a nice upbeat piece on the Christian’s experience  of God’s salvation.

I’m sure I’ll be sharing other resources for Easter offertories and vocal specials along the way as we look towards an effective Easter service for God’s glory!

So…start getting ready now for your Easter service while you have ample time! 🙂   Not counting the last week of December….Easter is 15 weeks from now.

Sounds like a long time but not when you’re preparing new music or a cantata….even if it’s an easy program.  Have fun as you seek out Easter music!