Archive for the ‘Offertories’ Category

Update on “It is Well” by the Mountain Stream

Monday, July 16th, 2018

Just finished the handwritten copy of “It is Well”.  Hope to publish it sometime this week! 🙂



My Lorenz Book Update!

Monday, June 25th, 2018

Getting excited!  Only two more songs to edit before turning the book into Lorenz Publishing. (Due to Lorenz by July 1, 2018)

The book title is “My Redeemer and Friend” (subject to change if necessary) Early intermediate sacred piano solo arrangements.

Here’ s the official song list for the book.

Anybody Else Play Simple Offertories?

Monday, May 7th, 2018


I confess, I played an impromptu offertory  from the hymnal last night.  Actually, if truth be told, I play simple offertories most of the time.

(We also attend a small country church where “simple” is best 🙂

The older I get….the more simple I become 🙂  (You young ones may understand this later on in life).

I do enjoy playing a nice well thought out arrangement but it’s nice to return to a less crowded piece as well.

In my younger years, I played ONLY pre-made arrangements with LOTS of frills. (We were also in a larger church at the time).

Now…I find it soothing to play a hymn in a less busy style….allowing me to focus more on the message of the song.

Of course, what may seem simple to me may sound fancy to someone else since I do incorporate runs as the need arises 😉

Just curious… what do you play for offertories the most…full-fledged arrangements….simple arrangements…..or a little of both?

Piano Offertory Ideas for When I Survey

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

Need piano offertory ideas for When I Survey? I just shared a few tips with a skype student yesterday that may be helpful for other church pianists.

Keep in mind this lesson is geared to the early intermediate student but the tips are applicable to all levels of church pianists.

Easter Piano Duet!

Thursday, March 29th, 2018

I know…last minute… but needed to write a piano duet for myself and a friend to play this Sunday morning. I kept trying to find an easy one to throw together at the last minute but couldn’t find exactly what I wanted.

So…I created an easy piano duet of “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”.  My life has been crazy busy and haven’t had a chance to practice in advance…so this piece worked out great!

Christ the Lord is Risen Today!
Late intermediate to early advanced Easter piano duet. (one piano four hands) 4 pgs. *Price covers two copies. Written for a fast & easy to learn situation! (for the early advanced pianist)
Price: $5.25

Practicing for Specials..Hopefully in Advance!

Monday, March 5th, 2018

From an accompanist’s point of view..

I like it when a person looks me up at least two weeks in advance to practice their scheduled vocal or offertory special instead of waiting until the last minute to rehearse.

This doesn’t include those who have to fill in at the last minute.

Which brings me to another topic…

It would be great if we all had a standby song/arrangement ready to play at a moment’s notice.  People do get sick or have other unavoidable circumstances arise that makes for last minute cancellations. If we could get all of our special music crowd (vocal or instrumental) to do this (including ourselves).

Which reminds me…it’s time for me to rehearse standby offertory specials! 🙂

What I’m reviewing: (Click on titles to go to source of arrangement)

“It is Well” arranged by Faye Lopez (my favorite “It is Well” advanced arrangement!)

“I Am Thine O Lord” arranged by Faye Lopez

“Jesus Paid it All” arranged by Mary Lynn Van Geldren (beautiful arrangement!) *Checking on availability

“Rescue the Perishing” arranged by Jenifer Cook (practicing for upcoming mission’s conference)


Sacred Violin Solo: Nearer My God to Thee

Monday, February 26th, 2018

My daughter-in-law, Jackie Cook and I finally got together to create this video of my sacred violin arrangement of “Nearer My God to Thee.”

Thank you Jackie for suggesting that I create a violin arrangement for “Nearer My God to Thee”.  It was also a blessing to hear you play this piece!

I am not a violinist by nature 😉 so….Jackie gave me several great pointers in order to maintain the intermediate level of this arrangement.

I hope this arrangement of “Nearer My God to Thee” is a blessing to you as well.  Sheet music available HERE

Side note:  Jackie’s next violin solo request “This is My Father’s World”.

Offertory Tip for Church Pianists: Missing the Melody?

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Abide With Me (fingering tip)

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Many of you have purchased my advanced or real advanced arrangement of “Abide With Me”

Someone recently requested I share fingering suggestions for measure #30. Another tip about this measure…I take it slow enough to handle the excessive movement in the left hand.

*See video below to hear measures #22 through #30  (time marker 1:01-1:26) It will give you a better idea of how this transitional section flows into the new key.

“Prepare Him Room” by Dan Forrest (for sale)

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

I’m selling a Christmas piano book entitled “Prepare Him Room” advanced arrangements by Dan Forrest.
It retails for $19.95 and I’m selling it for $15 (includes postage). The book is brand new.

Orders please within the continental US only. Contact me via email at: