Archive for the ‘Offertories’ Category

Free Hymn Arrangement From the Past: Jesus Loves Me

Saturday, April 18th, 2020


I recently received an email from one of my readers, Frederick Ikpatt.

He shared a video link of himself playing my free arrangement of “Jesus Loves Me.”

Frederick is quite the accomplished pianist!  See and hear him play Jesus Loves Me below.

Check out Frederick’s  Youtube channel.

You have to watch his “Protrait/Piano Story” of himself…very inspiring!

He practices on his keyboard even during electricity outages!

Link to download my free arrangement of “Jesus Loves Me”

Thanks Frederick for sharing your Youtube channel with us!

Jenifer Cook


Jenifer Cook Plays Comforting Hymns

Friday, April 17th, 2020

Just thought I’d share my facebook live event from last night. I played about a dozen comforting hymns.

Happy Easter! Easter Piano Duo

Sunday, April 12th, 2020

Here’s my Easter greeting to all!

Advanced Piano Solo: God Leads Us Along

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

This arrangement began  as a spontaneous creation during one of Jenifer’s recent “Comforting Hymns” sessions…via live on facebook.

Due to numerous requests, Jenifer has written out the arrangement and now it’s available in print.

God Leads Us Along
Advanced sacred piano solo, 4 pgs. Two Verses and Choruses Key of E Flat Major to C Major Jenifer's most requested song during the Corona Virus.
Price: $4.25


Update: God Leads Us Along (advanced piano solo)

Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

Due to numerous requests…I penned “God Leads Us Along” to paper.

Publication of this arrangement will take place sometime this coming week.













Update: God Leads Us Along (advanced piano solo)

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

Just finished inputting the first page!

I’ve been sick since Sunday a week and a half ago so will try to finish asap.

I simply played this song from my heart not expecting others to want the arrangement.

Thanks for your kind words! Here’s a glimpse of the first page…

















Flu Season: Securing Standbys

Friday, March 6th, 2020


Lesson learned: Don’t schedule a vocal or instrumental ensemble during flu season!  Always have a standby on hand for vocal or offertory specials.

I have a nine voice mixed ensemble scheduled to sing this Sunday morning. Due to a lot of various sicknesses going around…I’ve secured a standby vocal solo for this Sunday morning.  I’ll let him know by Saturday afternoon whether or not he’ll need to sing.

I pray everyone who reads this is doing well!

Special Music on Wednesdays?

Sunday, January 5th, 2020

Jenifer shares some of her heart felt thoughts on the subject of special music in the church service.

Wednesday night services are a special treat at our church. Our Pastor studies hard to make Wednesday nights VERY practical.

We learn SO much and feel we can’t afford to miss a Wednesday night service!

But what about having special vocal music on a Wednesday night?

Using Piano Students of All Levels in the Church Service!

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

Beginning January 2019…I’m starting something new with my piano students who attend our church….three are beginners and one  late elementary student.

I will include them in playing for the congregational singing. (At least two at a time) One on digital…the other on portable keyboard. (Evening services only)  Why? Not as big of a crowd in the evening services 🙂

(I write the hymns at their level for this)  I already have ten hymn arrangements ready for the beginners (C position and Middle C position note range)  Preparing the late elementary level ones now.

Oh!  An added plus…the arrangements can stand alone as an offertory if needed or all of the students could play as a group offertory 🙂 My students LOVE to play group offertories!  (More info below this video)

So…I’m keeping written record of who knows what song and I plug them in when I know we’re singing a hymn they can play.

This gives my students more purpose in learning and they will progress very well with this opportunity in front of them 🙂

It’s amazing how well a student advances when given the opportunity!

Side note:

Each hymn arrangement will show a minus or plus number so the student can set the appropriate key on their keyboard.

Christmas Piano & Vocal Book Sale!

Saturday, November 30th, 2019

Price List:

(from left to right)

  1. Soloist Christmas (Low voice)  $10
  2. Jeanine Yeager  $4
  3. Piano Adventures Christmas Books Level 3A (same books)  $4 each (good condition with student & teacher markings)
  4. Bach Around the Christmas Tree $5

Buyer pays shipping not included in price. Orders within US only please.  Paypal preferred payment.

Contact me at:… if interested.