Archive for the ‘wedding music’ Category
Celebrating the Re-Opening of Our Site!
Saturday, March 16th, 2024
Yay!!! We’re back online!! Thanks to my wonderful husband for repairing my
hard drive that crashed the same week my website had issues.
To share our celebration of the re-opening of our store… we are offering 20% off anything on our church pianist website… except for the “off-site” products. The sale runs from March 16 through March 23rd, 2024
The songs that are “off site” should state so in the product description.
Coupon Code: PIANO2024
All the Way My Savior Leads Me
Saturday, January 28th, 2023Several of my viewers are asking for sheet music to a short video I did on youtube this past week. The four hymns were spontaneous. So, in time I will try to create at least one more from that particular video. It will probably be “Near to the Heart of God”.
“All the Way My Savior Leads Me” was the first hymn I played in the short video. I would guess this is an early advanced level. My spontaneous pieces do not always have much structure but you’re welcome to wade through my homespun version of this hymn.
This piece wouldn’t take much prep time for the early advanced to advanced church pianist.
Thanks to those who encouraged me to create sheet music for All the Way My Savior Leads Me.
Published: Great is Thy Faithfulness Advanced Piano Solo
Tuesday, September 24th, 2019Great is Thy Faithfulness is one of my favorite hymns to this day! I was SO excited when I found out it would be in the public domain as of January 2019!
Yes, it took awhile for me to create this sacred piano solo but finally settled on the arrangement.
Warning: This is a VERY advanced piano solo of Great is Thy Faithfulness. I actually enjoy writing this level the most because I can pull out all the stops and not feel as restricted.
One challenge for me is recording myself at the piano. I get nervous! So..I tried to play by the music I hope this arrangement is a blessing to the advanced church pianist looking for an offertory. (Hint: would make a nice selection for Thanksgiving Sunday)
Wedding Song: Hearts Forever Joined
Sunday, June 2nd, 2019Enjoyed recording this new wedding song “Hearts Forever Joined” during our vacation this past weekend.
Suggested use: during the prelude to a wedding or after the recessional.
I guess you could say this is my first non-lyric tune to write. Words may come at a later date but wanted to make
it available as prelude or postlude music for a wedding.
We tried our best to create the right balance of (background sound with piano but the river was too overbearing)
Last year’s recording was a little easier because the water wasn’t as busy as this place. I still enjoyed the backdrop!
Wedding Song: Hearts Forever Joined
Friday, May 31st, 2019Wedding Song with No Title! (HELP)
Monday, March 25th, 2019Thanks for all your suggestions. I decided on Hearts Forever Joined.
The only thing holding me back from publishing a wedding song is a title. It’s my first time to write a wordless melody for weddings.
If you don’t mind listening to my wedding tune to help make your suggestion…thanks!
Every title I’ve thought of so far has already been taken such as:
Melancholy Waltz
Love’s Promise
Promise of Love
Delicate Rose
Enduring Love
“Nearer My God to Thee” (with added bow & slur marks for violin)
Thursday, August 24th, 2017I met a nice young lady at the Composer Symposium this past summer who attends the church where my husband and I were married!
She is a great violinist and offered to add the violin bow & slur marks to my arrangement of “Nearer My God to Thee”. It has taken me a while to finalize the arrangement but now complete and available in our music store.
A big thanks to Abby Phillips for adding the violin markings! See video of Abby below playing her own arrangement of “I’d Rather Have Jesus” in her home church.
New! Canon in C (Bridal Processional)
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017Finally! My first time to play for the Bridal processional without having to condense off the top of my head!
The Bridal entrance and then the introduction of the couple followed by recessional… are what I consider the highlights of a wedding ceremony.
Both of these highlights are so short lived…making it a challenge for the pianist or organist who usually have to condense or shorten the music selection.
One of my dear friends just got married this past Saturday and wanted Canon in D as the Bridal song. I tinkered around with an intro and also tried making Canon in D sound regal instead of laid back. Of course the idea for an intro didn’t hit me until a few hours before the wedding rehearsal. I am so use to playing the traditional version…so I had to write out the condensed version.
This particular arrangement was meant for the Bride only….so it’s shorter than most wedding selections.
*Tip: I like to taper off (play gradually softer) when the bride gets closer to the front of the auditorium.
Beautiful Piano Wedding Music!
Monday, January 16th, 2017One of the many activities of a church pianist may include playing for weddings. I enjoy finding fresh new piano music that truly fits the occasion.
A couple of weeks ago while playing through James Michael Stevens’ recently published collection entitled… “Dreams of Jewels”… I realized the songs would be perfect for a wedding! All of the pieces are lovely but I especially like “Opal Dreams” and “Aquamarine Dreams”. (I’ve always loved James’ style!)
“Dreams of Jewels” would make a nice piano collection for any church pianist needing prelude or reception music for a wedding. The collection provides 15 pages of music. James has other collections as well that would probably be very appropriate for a wedding. His music can be found at the following link: SMPress
Samples of my favorite selections from “Dreams of Jewels”…