Wanted to share a list of patriotic music resources with my church pianist readers before visiting with my parents starting tomorrow through Sunday. I consider this list of songs a treasure find!
1. I Love America by Frank & Flora Jean Garlock

Published by Majesty Music. Available in “Sing Praises Two” book
*Taken from Sing Praises Two (still in print) If you want multiple copies…Majesty Music ask that you own at least four copies of the book Sing Praises Two, then pay $1.00 per copy made of the song. There is a limit of making multiple copies for up to 3 songs per book.
2. We Pledge Allegiance by Shelly Hamilton

Published by Majesty Music. Available in “Sing Praises Two” book
*Same copying instructions from above apply to this song.
3. If My People by Frank & Flora Jean Garlock

Published by Majesty Music. Out of print. Instructions below.
*Majesty Music provides a way to obtain this song through their office. Call customer service department at (1-800-334-1071) to order copies of this song for $.50 per copy (This song is from the book “Choral Arrangements Everybody Can Sing-Volume 1) *I love the words to this song…very well-written!
4. It’s Time to Pray by John W. Peterson

“It’s Time to Pray”
vocal solo arrangement
I will be providing the cost details on this asap since I have updated this song to a different arrangement.
*Special note: The words to this song call Christians to the important matter of prayer for our country.
5. We Stand by Niki Lott *GREAT! for Men’s group or SATB choir

I just purchased a downloadable SATB arrangement of this song off Niki’s website called Christian Compositions This is a very moving piece!
You can view a page of the music HERE
Niki also sells a choral arrangement with piano accopmaniment version HERE
You can also view a youtube video of Niki’s husband and friends singing it for special in church HERE
6. We Pledge Allegiance by Derric Johnson

Published by Derric Johnson. Instructions below.
Just got off the phone with Derric Johnson. How exciting to have talked with the composer of this well-known tune! He was very helpful. He said this choral arrangement was available by “print on demand” which means it’s also out of print but you can order a copy of this 14 page arrangement for $5 per copy. I think this arrangement would make a nice mini-patriotic cantata! Here’s my best description of this arrangement:
Chorus (sung twice)
Narration section explains meaning of the flag colors with piano background
Verse of “We Pledge Allegiance” sung slow & reverently by choir
Transitions back into chorus of “We Pledge Allegiance”
Short narration section about heroes/patriots, another song beginning with lyrics “The lawyer came from Georgetown to visit Baltimore….”
Short narration section with choir Ooo’s to transition to next song
Choir begins slow and soft version of The Star-Spangled Banner verse and soars triumphantly into the chorus followed by a majestic ending!
7. In God We Trust by Reece Yandle (my Dad)
*In the works. I will do my best to publish this vocal solo arrangement by the end of next week.