Archive for the ‘Seasonal / Other’ Category

Christmas Cantata “Herald the News” for Sale

Tuesday, September 18th, 2018

I have fifteen copies of the Christmas cantata “Herald the News” in fair condition as described below:

Covers and pages are in great shape! CLICK ON IMAGE TO PREVIEW ON YOUTUBE

Most books have a minimal amount of pen or pencil markings

Three of the books have name in pen on front cover (small writing)

One copy has a blemish with small amount of a scratch in cover

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We also have eleven more copies of this cantata but most books either have worn binding; two have no covers

These eleven copies are well-used but in readable condition

Price for the fifteen in fair but good condition: $15 plus $5 shipping

Price for the eleven in well-used condition: $10 plus $4 shipping

Price for both sets: $30 (includes shipping)


Church Pianist Update: Current Writing Projects

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

Just thought I’d share what I’m currently writing. I have been sick since Sunday and itching to get back to writing.  We were out of town all last week on a family visit…so looking forward to getting back to work…writing music!

Over the past several years I have been transcribing arrangements from my “Simply Christmas” CD.  I’m almost done with the handwritten version of “Manger Medley” as played on my Christmas CD.  I would consider this arrangement to be early advanced.

I recently arranged an easy men’s three part arrangement of  the old hymn “Are Ye Able,” Said the Master  The text of this hymn challenges us to live our lives fully for Christ…remembering how He sacrificed all to lay down His life for us. I’ll be publishing a video of one of our men’s group singing this arrangement and the sheet music will be availalble in our online music store at:

Oh how I love hymns with such rich meaning!  May we all focus more on what we’re singing. It’s SO easy to just get caught up on a melody.  (I needed that reminder)  😉

Thank You Video From Church Pianist Readers…

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

I truly appreciate all the kind words of encouragement that I’ve received over the years from my readers.

Just thought I would share a recent note and video from a couple of my  readers.  Loren & Louise are a husband and wife team who volunteer of their time to  minister through music to various churches in their area as needed for Sunday services, weddings and funerals.

I would love to meet Loren & Louise in person just as I would those of you I’ve corresponded with through the years. (We can meet for sure in Heaven)  🙂

Thanks again for all of you encouragers!  That’s what keeps me writing 🙂

Loren and Louise are playing my arrangement of “Draw Me Nearer & Close to Thee” …available HERE

*Loren and Louise apologized for the organ and piano being somewhat out of tune but I could easily overlook that as I heard them play from their hearts 🙂

Did You Know That “Jesus Loves the Little Children” Has a Patriotic Tune?

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018


While looking for patriotic music to listen to on youtube…I happened across the song “Tramp Tramp Tramp”that sounded just like “Jesus Loves the Little Children”.

I immediately looked up the origin of “Jesus Loves the Little Children” and I discovered the following story:

Hymn Reflection : Jesus Loves the Little Children


Watch this cute video of boy leading “Jesus Loves the Little Children”

Patriotic Vocal Solo: This is America by Reece Yandle

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

Reece Yandle, my Dad, wrote “This is America” a patriotic vocal solo, about twenty-five years ago and I just re-discovered it on one of my recent visits to my parent’s house.

I told Dad he HAD to get this one published!

I will try to provide at least a sample video of “This is America” asap.

This beautiful patriotic anthem speaks of our loyalty to America and reminds us that God gave us America and how we need to keep her free!

Click on title to view sample page and audio:  This is America

Dad also has another Patriotic vocal solo available entitled “In God We Trust.” The words of this tasteful melody reminds us to trust in God no matter what comes our way. View sample page and audio:  In God We Trust



Current News!

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

Adding finishing touches to my Dad’s patriotic solo entitled “This is America”.

Hopefully, I will publish this arrangement by this evening.


Church Pianist Update: What I’m Working On

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

I’m feverishly trying to finish my early intermediate  sacred piano solo book for Lorenz. It’s due June 1st. I’m working on the ninth one now.  The book will contain a total of ten piano solos.

Here are some of the song titles:  What a Friend We Have in Jesus, His Eye is on the Sparrow, Jesus What a Friend for Sinners, All the Way My Savior Leads Me and Crown Him with Many Crowns.

I’m also currently working on my next website video tutorial to present a certain fill-in that I LOVE to use!

In my spare time….I need to unveil a nice patriotic vocal solo by my Dad….hope to publish asap!

Need your help! Just need names of at least two hymns that use a 12/8 time signature. Thanks!

Easter Piano Duet!

Thursday, March 29th, 2018

I know…last minute… but needed to write a piano duet for myself and a friend to play this Sunday morning. I kept trying to find an easy one to throw together at the last minute but couldn’t find exactly what I wanted.

So…I created an easy piano duet of “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”.  My life has been crazy busy and haven’t had a chance to practice in advance…so this piece worked out great!

Christ the Lord is Risen Today!
Late intermediate to early advanced Easter piano duet. (one piano four hands) 4 pgs. *Price covers two copies. Written for a fast & easy to learn situation! (for the early advanced pianist)
Price: $5.25

Easter Prelude Hymns for the Church Pianist

Thursday, March 22nd, 2018


Easter…. a time to celebrate our Lord’s return. At our church, we include songs about Christ’s crucifixion and return.

I’ve created a list of suggested hymns that I would use for an Easter prelude service.  I’ve also placed the hymns into groups that seem to go together.

 Easter Prelude Master List

Usage tips for Easter Preludes:  (to avoid getting disoriented when applying the transitions)  😉

  • Print the hymns listed below for prelude of your choice.
  • Cut and paste each transition to the appropriate hymn

Easter Prelude #1 and #2 (transition sheet)

Hymns for Prelude #1


He Lives (page one)

He Lives (page two)

*Jesus is Coming Again (under copyright so not able to furnish a copy…just find it in hymnal in key of B flat)

Hymns for Prelude #2 (COMING SOON!)

Click link below to download & print FREE handout for Easter Prelude #3

Easter Prelude #3 (transition sheet)

* I HAD to write “Man of Sorrows”  in C because of the neat sounding transition from E flat to C  🙂

Crown Him with Many Crowns

At the Cross


Sacred Violin Solo: Nearer My God to Thee

Monday, February 26th, 2018

My daughter-in-law, Jackie Cook and I finally got together to create this video of my sacred violin arrangement of “Nearer My God to Thee.”

Thank you Jackie for suggesting that I create a violin arrangement for “Nearer My God to Thee”.  It was also a blessing to hear you play this piece!

I am not a violinist by nature 😉 so….Jackie gave me several great pointers in order to maintain the intermediate level of this arrangement.

I hope this arrangement of “Nearer My God to Thee” is a blessing to you as well.  Sheet music available HERE

Side note:  Jackie’s next violin solo request “This is My Father’s World”.