Archive for the ‘Important Information’ Category

The Lord’s Prayer: Update

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021


Just finished the printed version of “The Lord’s Prayer” advanced piano solo!  A piano friend is proof reading before final copy is made.

The music to this popular tune is still under copyright so I will be publishing this arrangement through Sheet Music Plus.

You can still go to my store to purchase the arrangement once it’s published.  Clicking on the arrangement will take you to Sheet Music Plus’ site for purchase.

I plan to publish “The Lord’s Prayer” by this Friday afternoon.


GREAT NEWS! The Lord’s Prayer

Friday, January 15th, 2021

I found an outlet to legally publish “The Lord’s Prayer”!  Yay!   I should have already thought of Sheet Music Plus as an outlet.

I normally focus on “public domain” hymns and thought “The Lord’s Prayer was public domain.  I verified the “public domain” status before writing the arrangement but I discovered after the fact that the public domain version has a different tune than the original one.

So….I hope to publish “The Lord’s Prayer” advanced piano solo by sometime next week! I’ll be in touch.


Playing Within Your Level by Jenifer Cook & Lauren Earp

Thursday, November 19th, 2020

Listen to this video clip for some helpful pointers on the topic of “Playing Within Your Level”

Jenifer & Lauren aired live on facebook tonight with the following video…

Coming soon: Christian Vocal Solo & Early Advanced Piano Solo

Tuesday, October 13th, 2020

Looking forward to having one of my students over this Thursday evening to share some music with you all via live facebook.

Ady LOVES playing the piano and singing!  She’s going to play and sing a song she composed not too long ago entitled “Wondrous, Glorious God”…a great selection for Thanksgiving!

She doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to present her with the complete arrangement (vocal and piano score) in Thursday night’s live facebook event.

Her song “Wondrous Glorious God” will be available on Sheet Music Plus by this Saturday. (She doesn’t know that either….LOVE surprising my students!)  😉

See you all soon!  This Thursday at 7pm on my facebook music page:

You do not need a facebook account to view this live event on Thursday evening at 7pm EST

Oh! I almost forgot!  I’m also publishing an early advanced piano arrangement of “Crown Him with Many Crowns”  by this Saturday as well.

The whole arrangement: verse chorus, chorus is in the key of C Major 🙂


Update: His Eye is on the Sparrow Piano Arrangement

Monday, September 14th, 2020


Just an update on “His Eye is on the Sparrow” advanced piano arrangement…

I just added the final touches this morning and now having a piano friend “test drive” it for me 😉

I’ll be publishing this advanced piano arrangement  sometime this week!

What took so long?  Well…more detail since it’s more advanced.  I tried to re-create it from hearing myself play it on youtube.

This is what I call one of my home-spun arrangements…right from my heart to paper.

I hope you find it playable!  I actually like writing at this level more than any other but it does demand a lot of brain work!



Advanced Sacred Piano Solo: “His Eye is on the Sparrow”

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020


I’m almost finished with the handwritten version of “His Eye is on the Sparrow”

Warning:  For the advanced church pianist, LOTS of runs!  🙂





Clarification Tutorial: What Chord is That!?

Saturday, June 6th, 2020

This is a clarification for those who have purchased the “Diatonic Chord Substitution Lesson One” tutorial.  But…anyone can glean from this post!

I recently received an email with this question…

“You said if there are four different notes…then it is a 7 chord.” (She’s referring to analyzing chords from the hymnal.)

She goes on to say, “…however, on your example of “It is Well” (page four of the handout)…on the word “like”, there are four different notes and I don’t think it’s a C7 chord. It looks more like a G¹¹ chord or something…but you say to play a C chord for that whole measure.” Click on image for enlarged view.


Excellent question!

So…here’s the answer…

When coming across this situation where the chord can’t be placed in consecutive thirds…you are more than likely dealing with “passing tones”.  The passing tones are found in the right hand part for this particular example.

Passing tones are secondary notes you have to pass through to move from one note to the next.  Passing tones are not meant to be factored in… to the underlying chordal structure of a measure.

So…look at the word “like” in the picture above.  The right hand notes are “D & F”

Now…step back and look at the overall note ingredients within that measure. The majority of the notes favor what chord? Yes! The C chord.  That’s why I played within a C chord frame for that measure as you’ll see in the next picture below. (I should have made the left hand note “E” a half note.)


Passing tones to music are like joints to the human body. Our joints support movement as the passing tones do to music.  Passing tones are like the accessories/dress-up to the overall melody of a song.

Thanks to one of my readers for a great question!

Update: Diatonic Chord Substitution Lesson One

Monday, May 18th, 2020




Just published my first tutorial on Diatonic Chord Substitution Lesson One!

Wow!   WHAT a time I had creating this tutorial!

I focused on making it as easy to understand as possible!

The seventeen minute companion video is loaded with visuals!

Diatonic Chord Substitution Lesson One
Diatonic Chord of the easiest to learn! Enjoy this short; concise easy-to-learn chord substitution lesson! Materials include: Seven page PDF (downloadable) handout; Seven page answer key, companion video chock full of visuals and explanations! *Special note: Buyer receives a private video link via email... within two days after purchase. *Jenifer will email the video link to the buyer's email address used at time of purchase. On sale now through May 25, 2020
Price: $12.00




New! Coming Soon! Mini Lesson on Diatonic Chord Substitution!

Monday, May 11th, 2020

The first mini lesson on Diatonic Chord Substitution is almost complete!

I had SO much fun creating this short mini lesson that involves seven pages in addition to answer key pages and at least a 17 minute video companion chock full of visuals!

I hope to publish the entire project by this Friday. Watch short commercial below with few bloopers!


Facebook Live This Thursday at 9pm EST

Tuesday, April 28th, 2020


April 28, 2020

I will be going live on facebook this Thursday, April 30th… at 9m EST to play the piano.

My facebook readers will be turning in requests from the following categories:

Traditional hymns

Classic Disney

Golden Oldies (such as: Try to Remember, Moon River)

Event link:

Once you click on the  link above…You may have to scroll down the page to find me.