The Church Pianist: Importance of Scales (part one)

What could possibly be so important about learning to play scales?!

Part One: Benefits to learning scales



*Key recognition

(for example…if you’ve been practicing the D major scale…you will remember this scale has two sharps. When you look in a hymnal and see a hymn with two sharps at the beginning… you’ll know it’s probably D major.  (could be B minor but we won’t go there right now.) The majority of the will be D major.

*Structured fingering

*Prepares the hands for complete and partial scale passages in hymn arrangements.


Scales are more meaningful when played within a hymn arrangement.

Scales add life to a piece! Sometimes just a partial scale is used depending on what sounds best.

Learning my scales in the beginning stages of piano prepared me for different arrangements I have played through the years with technical passages. 

 In part two of the importance of scales…I will show examples of hymn arrangements containing scales and share ideas of how and where to apply scales in your own improvising.

Part three of the importance of scales will share various ways to play scales preparing the church pianist for real-life application.


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4 Responses to “The Church Pianist: Importance of Scales (part one)”

  1. Rhonda Gilbert says:

    I am looking forward to part two 🙂

  2. […] The Church Pianist » Blog Archive » The Church Pianist: Importance of Scales (… […]

  3. Yuko Kawa says:

    Happy Easter Jenifer!
    It is a blessing to learn so much from you.
    I pray for you and your family for a wonderful Easter.

    I also have a small comment on the importance of scales. As you mentioned how it prepares and strengthens your fingers, I believe it is very helpful for small hands like me. People with small hands tend to stretch their hands and between fingers which is helpful if you do it carefully, but I would like to advise that doing scales will benefit as it somehow makes the muscles flexible allowing to expand the reach. When I restarted to play the piano five years ago, I could barely reach an octave but today I feel more comfortable playing octaves.

    I am looking forward to the coming articles. Thank you!

  4. […] hope the previous articles on scales in hymns has been a help to many church pianists.  Scales add so much life to hymns, don’t […]

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