Posts Tagged ‘piano prelude tips’

Piano Prelude Tips

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Jenifer…need help in determining what songs are appropriate to use for preludes. I like grand, powerful songs reflecting God’s greatness but not sure it would be necessary to always play these types of songs. Can you help? Thanks.   Nell

Excellent question!

I was always taught to play peppy and loud with an upbeat tempo!

However, I have changed somewhat.

You may think I’m weird, but for most preludes I play the prelude according to the spiritual temperature of any given service.

For example, on Sunday mornings, most of the congregation is already in their seats sitting quietly waiting for the service to begin.

We have a brief choir rehearsal right after Sunday School in a room behind the auditorium. We usually get to the auditorium when it’s about time to start!

So, I will play hymns around a medium level of volume  such as:  (Our grand piano easily overpowers our medium sized sanctuary)

O Worship the King

Blessed be the Name

Praise Him! Praise Him

Grace Greater Than Our Sin

Amazing Grace

There are some mornings that it feels more appropriate to play more subdued/prayerful hymns such as:  In the Garden, The Old Rugged Cross, I Must Tell Jesus, Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know. (Especially for times when the congregation has been touched by a recent death(s) or other trials)

Our congregation seems more sociable before Sunday and Wednesday night services 🙂  So, I’ll play hymns like Victory in Jesus, When the Roll, Blessed Assurance, Love Lifted Me, etc.

I try to keep my volume under tow so as not to overpower those that are visiting before the service.

I think my piano preludes are starting to evolve into more of  a background type of music vs. the loud; intrusive style that can crowd out conversations or  meditative moods.  I have been on the receiving end of preludes many times at different churches over the years and always enjoyed the preludes that drew you into a worshipful mood without being too loud.  We were recently at a funeral of a relative and the organ was SO loud that it hurt our ears and drowned out the congregational singing.

On a side note…ever notice how the prelude is more like the alarm clock for everyone to get in place?   😉

Please understand these tips are coming from personal opinion. We all have our own styles and ideas. This is just what works for me.