Piano Introductions: Part Two (second example)
Saturday, August 6th, 2011Trying to figure out what to play for piano introductions can be tricky at times for church pianists.
The previous article entitled: Piano Introductions (part two) provided a piano introduction of “Wonderful Words of Life” using only the verse. Sometimes it works better just to use the starting and ending phrase of a verse. Other times, the entire first line of the verse works well for the introduction.
Always remember to end the introduction with the one (I) chord for the key you’re using. For example, if the song is in C major…make sure you end on a C major chord to provide a “finished” sound. Otherwise, you’ll have everybody guessing when to enter.
There are times when a V 7 chord works well at the end of an introduction or during the invitation when you’re providing background music and you’re in the middle of a phrase and need to end on a chord that makes sense before the congregation starts to sing…but I will cover that at another time. SO much to talk about! 🙂
In today’s example, you’ll notice a fairly, easy piano introduction for “Count Your Blessings”. The faster the hymn, the less frills the church pianist has time to play 🙂
Click here for: Piano Introductions: Part Two (second example)