I LOVE meeting with my piano friend, Meryt Wilson, at least once a year for a time of encouragement and to share offertory resources and other ideas.
Do you ever do the same? I live in a rather sparse land of church pianists and long for someone I can confer with to revitalize my playing.
It’s SO easy to get in a rut!
Meryt is such an encourager!
We usually sit down and play spontaneous hymns together. This time we talked more and heard each other play.
Meryt previewed my new Congregational Piano Hymns Booklet Three….which I’m getting ready to publish.
We both were classically trained in our younger years.
Meryt is much more advanced than me in the area of classical music.
I thoroughly enjoyed hearing her play some of her own hymn arrangements. She definitely writes VERY advanced hymn arrangements! She has a way of weaving in classical melodies with hymns as though they truly belong.
My top favorites of what I heard her play was “I’ll Fly Away” (my top choice!) and Who Is He in Yonder Stall (amazing! and VERY challenging!)
Meryt just published both of these pieces today! You can find them on her Sheet Music Plus page at the following link: Sheet Music Plus (Meryt’s page)
She has about 31 hymn arrangements on Sheet Music Plus ranging from level one to level 5. Go take a peek at the link above and see sample pages of her music.
In my next post, I’ll share my little odds & ends list I compiled during our visit this past week.