Posts Tagged ‘church pianist’

Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone & Precious Lord Take My Hand

Friday, February 28th, 2025

What do these two hymns have in common?   I just discovered it this week!

See note below this image of music…

FREE one page arrangement!

Click on the song title here: Precious Lord Take My Hand



Were You There (early intermediate piano solo)

Friday, February 14th, 2025

Here is an easier version of my advanced level for Were You There?

I wrote this piece for one of my piano students.

Were You There (Early Intermediate)
Early intermediate sacred piano solo. Arranged by Jenifer Cook Begins in c minor and ends in C Major. Written at this level for one of my piano students. See video below of entire arrangement. This intense arrangement paints a vivid picture of the death and resurrection of Christ. *Advanced version of this arrangement is also available on my advanced list of arrangements.
Price: $4.50


Piano Music Update!

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

I am working on two projects: (publication date yet to be determined.)

Low Voice Sacred Collection

Easy SATB Choir Collection

Almost finished with the initial handwritten version of “Love Found a Way” an easy SATB (mostly SAT)

An intermediate version of my advanced arrangement for Were You There…is due for publication by next week!

Youtube of my advanced sacred piano solo for Where You you can compare with the early intermediate version next week.  (by February 8th, 2025)

New! Is Your All on the Altar” Advanced Piano Solo

Monday, January 27th, 2025

I hope this arrangement is a blessing to you!   I enjoyed writing another homespun arrangement of an old hymn.

The words to this hymn reminds the Christian of complete surrender to Jesus.

Is Your All on the Altar
Advanced sacred piano solo arranged by Jenifer Cook Five pages, Approximately 2 & 1/2 minutes This arrangement contains an intro, two verses & choruses, ending. Keys: F and G
Price: $5.00

New Sacred Advanced Piano Solo Coming Soon!

Saturday, January 25th, 2025

Sometime back, probably November…one of my church pianist  viewers heard me play “Is Your All on the Altar” for one of my facebook lives and requested I write it out.

After several months I finished creating the sheet music today!

I hope to publish the sheet music and youtube video sometime this coming week. (Week of January 26th, 2025)

Here’s a preview of the sheet music and audio sample…*See audio sample below the sheet music sample.


Christmas Piano Solo (early advanced) Coming Soon!

Wednesday, December 11th, 2024

Today’s date:  December 11, 2024  (Published on December 14, 2024!

I will publish an early advanced Christmas piano solo this week! Special note:

This arrangement is very similar to my advanced version of O Little Town of Bethlehem.

You may want to compare the first page of both arrangements before purchasing. (I will provide the first page of each asap)

I enjoyed weaving in the “peaceful” pattern to picture the night of Christ’s birth.

 Left: older version  Right: newer version.


 O Little Town of Bethlehem (early advanced)
Early advanced Christmas piano solo. Three pages. Key of G Major throughout. Take note: This arrangement does have similar sections to my Advanced version. See video below.
Price: $3.50




New Intermediate Christmas Piano Arrangement

Saturday, November 23rd, 2024

I had almost forgotten to share this intermediate piano arrangement of “I Heard the Bells”.  My original arrangement of this title was an advanced version.

This year, one of my intermediate piano students was looking for a recital piece so I came up with this solution.   She has done very nice with this arrangement.

I Heard the Bells (intermediate)
Intermediate Christmas Piano Solo, Two pages. Contains an intro. two verses and ending...all in the key of C Major. This arrangement is also available as an advanced piano solo.
Price: $3.00

Piano Accompaniment Tips (in the works)

Monday, October 28th, 2024

Allissa, one of our Pastor’s daughters, is one of my early intermediate students.  My grandson, Michael, is about to catch up to her!

I’m having a blast training them for the role of church pianist!

Allissa will play for another vocal special this coming Sunday, November 4, 2024

Here’s a pic of her practicing with two guys from our church.  I sat behind the scenes giving her tips as needed.  She soaks it up!

A fruitful practice! During the rehearsal…Allissa learned a few tips from following points….

1. How to figure out an interlude
2. How to simplify awkward accidental note passages.
3. How to recover from a blunder
4. How to…above all else…follow the vocalists!

I’m so thankful our young people who are involved with the music ministry!

They play for several different areas of music ministry such as:  offertory, prelude music and congregational singing.

Extra info:  Allissa is playing a vocal arrangement of “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be.” I plan to publish this arrangement ASAP!

Please feel free to remind me if you’re interested in the arrangement 🙂

Let me know if you would like me to expound on the above points.



Love Lifted Me (free congregational arrangement)

Saturday, October 5th, 2024

Does your song leader direct Love Lifted Me in fast mode?

Our song leader sure does!  It’s my son 😉

This particular arrangement barely fits within my son’s speed…quarter note = 120

Remember…the faster the tempo….the less you play!

If I had to play this any faster…I would adapt by playing more dotted quarter note chords  because it would be harder to grab the busy details the faster it goes!

Hope you enjoy this “fun to play”  style.

Click here to download your free copy of the verse for Love Lifted Me (congregational style). Tip:  You can use this arrangement to accompany a flute solo!

LOVE LIFTED ME  (verse only)

Chorus coming soon!

Church Pianist in the Works! Listen to Her Experiences…

Friday, October 4th, 2024

Please excuse the poor video quality but was the best I could do.

Allissa is one of my piano students who is being groomed for the role of church pianist.

Listen to Allissa share her experiences as she has become more involved in the music ministry at our church.

Book list is included in the description under the youtube video. I will also share it here too:

Here are the sacred piano books she mentions in this video:

1. The Piano Student’s Hymnal (for congregational singing).… 2. Showers of Blessing (offertories arranged by Jenifer Cook).… 3. Basic Adult Sacred Piano Book (easy offertories!)…