Update on One Day (Easter Piano Solo) by Jenifer Cook

Here’s a quick update on the hymn “One Day”.

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2 Responses to “Update on One Day (Easter Piano Solo) by Jenifer Cook”

  1. Mr. & Mrs. Loren Lustig says:

    Hi Jenifer; We recall this wonderful hymn from long ago and indeed love the words of each of the five verses. We did note that it received a copyright back in 1938. As you played that blessed melody, we thought how much we would have enjoyed hearing you accompany your father while he sang this beloved old hymn. He sings now in a Heavenly Choir. What a joyous thought.

    Blessings on you as you continue in your important work.

    Rural PA

    • Jenifer Cook says:

      Thank you SO much for bringing this to my attention. I should have looked under CCLI select online as the final stop.
      I simply looked in the newest hymnal I have that showed One Day in the public domain.
      Lesson learned! Thanks again and sorry that I can’t publish it.

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