Free Hymn Improvising Ideas: No Not One
July 12th, 2011As promised…I’m sharing hymn improvising ideas for “No Not One”. I love the words to this hymn but it could use some dress-up by the church pianist to give it that extra zest! In example #1, I’ve shared a simple accompaniment for verse one. In upcoming articles, I’ll give more examples for this particular hymn. As I think up improvising ideas for this hymn, I consider the text and try to enrich the message by adding appropriate accompaniment.
Click here to print “No Not One” Example #1
(refer to the printed copy as you view the following notes)
Editor notes for “No Not One” Example:
I only altered a chord on measure #5 by adding G minor 7 (F natural) in left hand on word “heal”. This particular chord (G minor 7) provides a nice “leading into” sound as it moves into a C chord on the word “soul’s”. Adding minor 7ths to chords always adds a warmer sound.
Ever notice how the rhythm on words “Jesus” and dis “eases” feels awkward to your hands? The hands don’t seem to go together well on these spots. You’re right! Take note of how I played left hand during these areas. I basically maintained a steady beat in the left hand while the right hand played the tricky rhythm.
Click here to hear audio of: “No Not One” example #1