Free Hymn Improvising Ideas: No Not One

July 12th, 2011

As promised…I’m sharing hymn improvising ideas for “No Not One”.   I love the words to this hymn but it could use some dress-up by the church pianist to give it that extra zest!  In example #1, I’ve shared a simple accompaniment for verse one.  In upcoming articles, I’ll give more examples for this particular hymn.  As I think up improvising ideas for this hymn, I consider the text and try to enrich the message by adding appropriate accompaniment.

Click here to print “No Not One” Example #1

(refer to the printed copy as you view the following notes)

Editor notes for “No Not One” Example:

I only altered a chord on measure #5 by adding G minor 7 (F natural) in left hand on word “heal”.  This particular chord (G minor 7) provides a nice “leading into” sound as it moves into a C chord on the word “soul’s”.  Adding  minor 7ths to chords always adds a warmer sound.

Ever notice how the rhythm on words “Jesus” and dis “eases” feels awkward to your hands? The hands don’t seem to go together well on these spots.  You’re right!  Take note of how I played left hand during these areas.  I basically maintained a steady beat in the left hand while the right hand played the tricky rhythm.

Click here to hear audio of: “No Not One” example #1

Free Piano Arrangement: God of Our Fathers (part two)

June 24th, 2011

Click here: God of Our Fathers  (print music and view  while reading the information below)

As promised, here is part two of “God of Our Fathers”.  I used dotted rhythm in measures # 9, 12 and 14 to liven up the accompaniment.

The busy left hand octave movement was also added to give this hymn some driving motion as in measures #11, 12, 15 and 17.  (Also in the  right hand on measure #14)

This free arrangement of God of Our Fathers can also be used as a short patriotic offertory or for congregational piano accompaniment.

God of Our Fathers part one

Complete audio of “God of Our Fathers”  (computer-generated)

Free Piano Arrangement: God of Our Fathers (part one)

June 15th, 2011


Click here to download and print part one of “God of Our Fathers”

“God of Our Fathers” is a wonderful hymn to sing anytime of year, but especially around July 4th. This stately hymn reminds Christians of God as their leader. 

In part one of today’s free arrangement of “God of Our Fathers” I tried to portray the majestic mood of the text by solid octave movement in the left hand and full chords in the right hand. 

The introduction (trumpet fanfare) was doubled (both hands) for a fuller sound.  The octave higher treatment gave it a brighter tone.

In measure five, I added a light touch of syncopation to the left hand  for text enrichment.  The words for this measure speak of God’s  “…almighty hand”.

Congregational singing plays such an important role in the worship service.   As a church pianist, I try to play with enthusiasm, since I represent the Lord in all I do.  I want others to know that I truly believe the words of the great hymns of faith as I play them for God’s glory.

To be honest, I don’t always feel energetic on a Sunday morning when I’ve had maybe a couple hours of sleep… but God is good. He gives me just enough energy to make it through. I’ve found I do better during those times.  I think it’s because I’m relying more on His help…as I should ALWAYS do 🙂

Part two of “God of Our Father’s” will take us up an octave as we prepare for the climax of this great hymn.  Looking forward to sharing the rest!

Click here to read the story behind “God of Our Fathers”

Upcoming Article: Patriotic Arrangement

June 14th, 2011

I’m working on an article dealing with the well-known patriotic hymn entitled: “God of Our Fathers”.   I’ve had fun dressing up this hymn!  Remember how this song starts with a trumpet fanfare?  I’ve always liked this introduction in lieu of a standard intro. But, it needs a little more fullness to create an even more exciting and confident entry for the congregation.

If all goes as planned, I will post part one of this congregational/piano solo arrangement of “God of Our Fathers” sometime tomorrow.

Alot has been going on at my house in regards to my website.  My previous storefront developed some bugs. So…my husband is helping me set up a new store that’s so much better than the previous one.  It just takes ALOT of time…so bear with me as I try to juggle articles and store construction.

The Battle Hymn of the Republic: Piano Arrangement (part two)

June 7th, 2011

The “Battle Hymn of the Republic” is a hymn the church pianist must “dress-up” to enrich the congregational singing. It’s not always easy to grab every note “word” of a hymn when it contains a busy rhythm such as the frequent dotted rhythm in the “Battle Hymn”. Moving from word to word can be quite awkward for the church pianist.

Remember…the hymnal is written for voice parts not the instrument. The church pianist must learn to adapt…creating a simple but full-sounding accompaniment that will support the singers…making them sing out with even more energy and confidence.

Editor notes for Part Two of “Battle Hymn of the Republic”

*Please click here to print part two so you can view the music while you read the following notes:

1. I only added a few of the sixteenth notes from the vocal score into the piano accompaniment…creating a more user friendly hand movement, which in turn helps the pianist maintain a steady beat for the congregation.

2. When I play the chorus…I deviate so much more from the melody–using sprinkles of 3-note triplet chords in the right hand during half notes. But…I kept enough melody in the chorus of this free arrangement for church pianists that may not be use to deviating alot from the melody.

Click here for Part One of Battle Hymn of the Republic

Battle Hymn of the Republic: Free Congregational Arrangement (Part One)

May 24th, 2011

It’s hard to believe that July 4th is so close!  Since I’ve been so busy…it takes less time for me to write an arrangement as opposed to a strict “teaching” article.  Today’s free piano arrangement of “Battle Hymn of the Republic” is arranged for congregational singing.

The hymnal version (voice parts) contain a lot of repeated notes making it necessary for the church pianist to create a more interesting sound to bring it to life!

In part one of this free arrangement…I added the vocal score above the piano score… so you could see what I’m playing as opposed to the written voice parts from the hymnal. I’ll provide an audio after I share the entire arrangement with you.

Click here for free congregational piano arrangement of: Battle Hymn of the Republic (Part One)

Just As I Am (chord substitutions)

May 15th, 2011

One of my readers recently asked if the chord substitutions of Just As I Am tutorial video was available in sheet music.  I have since created the sheet music for this brief lesson.

Click on the following link to see the video of Just As I Am chord subsitutions for the final line of this soul-stirring invitation hymn. I use the minor chord substitutions in this hymn…to give it a warmer sound.

Just As I Am (video link: chord substitutions)

Click here for free sheet music of Just As I Am chord substitutions

 Free Piano Arrangement of Just As I Am (invitation background style)

Free Piano/Choir Arrangement of “This Little Light of Mine”

May 6th, 2011

little light of mine Pictures, Images and Photos One of my readers recently asked if I knew where to find an arrangement of  “This Little Light of Mine” that wasn’t so elementary that a choir could sing to. Well…I decided to write an arrangement of “This Little Light” and really enjoyed creating it!

Since my time is limited due to the busy month of May…much to your advantage…everyone receives this  arrangement…FREE… since that’s all I’ve had time to do this week 🙂

There are so many word variations to this song. You’re welcome to substitute your own verses 🙂

Let me say a big “thank you” to Sharon for unknowingly inspiring me to write this piano/choir arrangement of “This Little Light of Mine” 🙂

Click here to download “This Little Light of Mine”

Bless the Lord arranged by Gina Sprunger (Book Giveaway)

April 24th, 2011

A book  giveaway…compliments of Soundforth (BJU Press).

*This book drawing applies to residents within the US

  “Bless the Lord”, contains ten early intermediate piano arrangements by Gina Sprunger…an excellent addition to any church pianist’s repertoire!

Gina’s  introductions,  interludes and endings are a perfect fit to each arrangement.  I’ll share some of my favorite picks through audio excerpts below. Just click on a song title to hear a sample.

Come, Christians Join to Sing

Take Time to be Holy

Meditations on Praise (Bless the Lord, Holy is the Lord, Thank You Lord)

Meditation on When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

A Shelter in the Time of Storm

The remaining arrangements are:

Open My Eyes That I May See, Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, We Three Kings, I Wonder as I Wander, Showers of Blessing (piano duet)

Book Drawing Guidelines:

1. Simply leave a comment to enter your name once in the drawing

2. To enter your name a second time…share this specific link for book giveaway on your blog, facebook or twitter and leave a separate comment saying you have done so.

*Winner will be chosen on May 2nd, 2011 Monday at 9pm EST

When Ordering Music From Soundforth:

*Special Note: If you order by phone and your order  is under $30…you can request US Mail to receive a cheaper shipping rate.

(Just realize there’s no tracking available with the US Mail rate)

Call toll free:      1-800-258-7288

Free Sacred Piano Arrangement: Christ Returneth (part two)

April 17th, 2011

I enjoyed improvising the chorus of “Christ Returneth”.  There are fewer chord changes in the chorus, making it easier to add extra movement.  The frequent half notes also provide time for fill-ins. 

This arrangement was written for the  intermediate to late intermediate level church pianist.  The advanced church pianist can just play more four-note chords in the right hand where feasible.

Editor Highlights for Part Two of “Christ Returneth”

1. page two (first measure)  The left hand octave movement is used to create excitement to match the words “Jesus will come in the fullness of glory”. 

2.  page two, measure #20 (where chorus begins)  A simple accompaniment is used for a more “subdued” mood.

3. page three, measure #30, third count, right hand (right hand plays octaver higher for contrast…but still remains soft).

Click here to download free sacred piano arrangement “Christ Returneth” part two

Click here for “Christ Returneth” part one