New Christmas Piano Arrangements!

October 12th, 2021

I’ve published three of my Christmas piano arrangements since yesterday and today.

The following arrangements were written with specific piano students of mine for this year’s recital.

Most  of my students are playing two specials this year.

Hear “O Come All Ye Faithful”

Hear “Come Thou Long…”

Hear “Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee

O Come All Ye Faithful (easy piano)
Easy piano Christmas arrangement arranged by Jenifer Cook 2 pgs. Contains: Trumpet-like fanfare introduction followed by one verse and chorus ending with a big sound! Nice piece for a piano student! I wrote this for one of my grandsons. See video below.
Price: $2.50
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Late intermediate Christmas piano solo, three pages. See video below.
Price: $3.25
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (Two Pianos)
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (Two Pianos)
Two Piano Christmas special arranged by Jenifer Cook Price includes Piano One Part and Piano Two Part (one person per piano) This piece consists of an introduction, verse & chorus. A great piece for short offertory or recital special. See video below.
Price: $3.50


New Christmas Piano Arrangements in the Works!

October 8th, 2021


It’s that time of year when I’m assigning Christmas recital pieces to my piano students.

I wrote three arrangements yesterday and hope to transform them into typed music format asap!

I’m also writing a piano duet of Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee this morning for my daughter-in-law and her son to play together.

I’ll do my best to publish all four by this Monday.

Here are the titles and levels for each of the four Christmas piano arrangements:

All are piano solos except Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee

  1. Come Thou Long Expected Jesus    (late intermediate)
  2.  Let it Snow                                  (Late elementary) *Available only on Sheet Music Plus
  3.  O Come All Ye Faithful                   (late elementary)
  4.  Joyful We Adore Thee (duet)         (Late elementary: Primo part and  Early intermediate: Secondo part)



Flute and Violin Arrangements Re-Posted!

October 4th, 2021







Reposting some of my flute and violin arrangements that I had taken off awhile back to update their links.

They are good to go now!  One of the arrangements is a Christmas piece too…flute solo w/ piano accompaniment,

Here’s the link for the reposted arrangements:  INSTRUMENTAL

Comforting Hymns by Jenifer Cook

August 21st, 2021

Youtube link for tonight:  COMFORTING HYMNS BY JENIFER COOK


I’ll be playing comforting hymns tonight on youtube (pre-recorded).

The first two hymns are arranged by Mary McDonald and published through Lorenz Corporation.

These first two hymn arrangements are taken from the following book by Mary McDonald.

The rest of the songs are arranged by myself.

Click on book image to hear and see sample from this book.

Tonight’s episode of hymns begins at 8pm EST on You tube.

Click on following link to view video on youtube: Comforting Hymns by Jenifer Cook




Encouraging Notes From the Past

August 1st, 2021

Ever had a person in your church pass an encouraging note to you… after you returned to your seat from playing for whatever?

I have two notes I’ve saved from many years ago during my early teen years. (see pic below)

Both of the encouraging notes seemed to come at the right time!  I guess there’s never a bad time for an encouraging note 😉

Which reminds me….maybe all of us could send encouragement via text, hand-written note, etc. to someone who played or sang in a recent service to encourage those involved in the music ministry.

Before I forget…I’m going to text one of my piano students who filled in at the last minute this morning for the offertory and a note to the gentleman who sang the special this morning before he went over to preach for children’s church.  We have such a great group of people who are faithful to sing or play for God’s glory.

Have any notes of encouragement you want to share from times past or recent?


















Free Easy Vocal Piano Arrangement: Redeemed!

July 28th, 2021

I’m always writing music for someone or an event.  Here’s an arrangement I happened across today.

This particular hymn, Redeemed, is an old hymn that contains a fairly narrow note range…making it easier to sing.

I wrote this arrangement for another pianist to use when accompanying my youngest son with his wife and son.

The pianist said it worked well for her.  She also mentioned that the original key of the song was a little too high for my grandson.

So….of course Grandma had to write it in a more comfortable key.  I wrote it in the key of  G Major… just a little lower than the original key.

I also tried to adhere to the original chording so my daughter-in-law could sing the written alto from the hymnal.

See video below of the free arrangement for “Redeemed”

“Redeemed”  FREE COPY





Jenifer Cook Plays Comforting Hymns

July 12th, 2021

Jenifer’s recent “Comforting Hymns” on youtube

(Aired on July 25, 2021)





Patriotic Vocal Solos by Reece Yandle

July 1st, 2021


There seems to be a shortage of patriotic theme songs.

My Dad, Reece Yandle, wrote both of these soul-stirring patriotic solos that are easy-to-learn in a short time.

Both tunes are very singable.

This is America &  In God We Trust



Playing for Funerals

June 26th, 2021

Have you ever wondered what to play for a funeral or how loud or soft to play?  Watch this video for tips on playing for a funeral at your own church.



Funeral Hymn Suggestions (List of hymns)

Funeral Hymn Collection (sheet music)


Using Students for Piano Prelude

June 21st, 2021

Look who covered for me last night during prelude!
It’s so nice to have my students help out in our music ministry.
We had a few kinks (due to my oversight).

I had Allissa (the more advanced student) play the intros for the couple hymns they played together. They all played a review piece by themselves too. The prelude lasted about six minutes.