The Church Pianist: Piano Preludes…That Important?

The church pianist plays a very important role in setting the mood for the service through the use of prelude music.

For example, this past Wednesday evening was very rainy and dreary.  I chose more peppy, uplifting hymns for the prelude… to create a happy mood.  In general, I try to use peppy hymns for the prelude. I want to communicate to the listeners that the Christian life can be joyful.  There are times for slower hymns but I prefer to use more upbeat hymns during the prelude.

Here’s a list of hymns I played for the prelude this past Wednesday night…

There is Sunshine in My Soul Today

Heavenly Sunlight

I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord

Showers of Blessing 🙂

For offertory, Sunshine (our other church pianist) and myself, played “Count Your Blessings” from the hymnal.  

We as church pianists certaintly have a wonderful opportunity to encourage our church family in the Lord through the use of prelude music.




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2 Responses to “The Church Pianist: Piano Preludes…That Important?”

  1. mandy brennan says:

    I love to play preludes…it does matter what you choose to play. I love when people start singing along and getting ready for the service. I compile my songs into binders in various keys and that way I can just pull one off of the shelf and start playing. This is also helpful if you have two pianos or an organist. There is no confusion as to what songs to play. We usually go through two verses of each song. I use peppy songs always…sometimes folks need to shake off the dust of the week and uplifting praise songs do just that. I try to incorporate childrens tunes when the youngins’ are in the service. The grown ups get excited to hear the ‘kids’ songs, too. “Oh, I can remember singing that in choir when I was in elementary school!” I love music! 🙂

  2. Patrick Raynes says:

    Music plays a important role in the church service.

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