Update on Congregational Hymn Arrangements: Booklet Two
Getting excited! Finishing up my 9th out of 10 congregational accompaniments for Congregational Hymn Accompaniments Booklet Two!
The 10th arrangement is almost done too!

Tags: congreational accompaniment, congregational hymns
This entry was posted
on Tuesday, September 8th, 2015 at 10:11 am and is filed under Accompaniment tips, Choir, congregational singing, Special Music, Vocal.
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I can’t wait to purchase those beautiful arrangements and be able to play them at my church! Are you almost done? I love the hymns you selected for booklet #2!!!!
Thanks for your interest! In final editing stage..they’re all entered in computer….just taking me a little time to add all finishing touches. Haven’t told anyone this but my personal deadline is before the end of October which should be very reasonable!
Sounds great! I’m so excited! I love your style! Thanks for making it available to us!