Students Playing for Congregational Singing!

Last night was the first night to have my students playing for congregational singing.

They enjoyed it!  I plan to publish the beginner level congregational arrangements asap!  Alot of exciting things happening 🙂



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2 Responses to “Students Playing for Congregational Singing!”

  1. Jessica says:

    That’s awesome! Is there any video? It’s great to let them start serving young with opportunities like this. If they start learning now, it’s not as overwhelming when the phone call comes the night before or morning of and find out you get to be the pianist for the service (when you’ve never accompanied before). The piano students we have in our church aren’t quite ready for this yet, but it’s a great idea. Our young men are allowed to sign up to lead 2 songs on Wednesday evenings and/or read a Bible passage (and make comment if they want) before preaching.

    I enjoy your website and all the helpful tips you share.

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