Hymn Titles from a Child’s Perspective


Right after the service this past Sunday night…I noticed my oldest grandson sitting on the front pew with an open hymnal in his lap wearing a perplexed expression.

“Whatcha doing?” I asked.   He points to the hymn title “Doxology” and says to me with a concerned look, “Grandma, this is a weird word and it’s not even one of the words in this hymn!”

Trying not to show my amusement, I explained to him what the word “Doxology” meant and how not all hymn titles are found in the lyrics but how the title will in most cases reflect the main topic of the hymn.

Across the page I noticed the hymn title “Security” and asked him what he thought that hymn was about.  He wrinkled up his face in thought and replied, “Security has to do with policemen.”    I explained it was about feeling secure in God’s arms; God’s protection.

My grandson has had such a fascination with our church hymnal since he was very young.  (He’s now almost nine and hasn’t lost interest in the hymns.)

He actually learned to read by singing through the hymns he knew from the hymnal on their 40 minute commute to church!

On Sunday afternoons, you can usually find him singing through the hymnal as his repertoire has greatly increased!

I LOVE the hymns too!  Sometimes I join in and sing along with him on Sunday afternoons.



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