Church Pianist Blooper!

colorful notes with faces on staff

What a blooper I made today in the Sunday morning service!

I prefer (congregation included) to play short and sweet arrangements which don’t last much longer than the offering.  Occasionally I’ll play a longer offertory for extra special events.

I had a longer than normal offertory special  this morning and decided at last minute (like right before offertory prayer)…to play a different arrangement…something shorter… since the preliminaries had lasted longer than usual.

So…right before prayer I  dreamed up a home-spun offertory which worked out great since it was the same length as the offering 🙂

But….one major problem!  I forgot all about accompanying my son and his wife to sing after the offertory.  I was SO wrapped in the change of plans that I totally forgot them!  After playing the offertory, I went out back to the restroom like normal and then to slip in quietly for the preaching portion.

As I came out of the restroom my husband was waiting for me in the foyer with a concerned look on his face.  “Are you ok?” he said.   “Weird!” I thought, “he’s never done this before.”   “Well….yeah…why?”

He quickly replied, “David and Jenny were up on the platform waiting for you to play for them.”   “Oh my goodness! I forgot all about them!”  I quickly tried to explain myself away to him and one of the deacons who had come out back too.   Both of them got this funny smirk on their face but also relieved at the same time that I was “Ok”.



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2 Responses to “Church Pianist Blooper!”

  1. Nelda Rust says:

    LOl, sounds like something I would do. 🙂

  2. Jaybird says:

    Oh my….I’m smiling because I probably have done the same thing!!
    Last Sunday I played a prelude that changed keys in the middle between vs. 1 and 2. I did the key change just fine, and promptly forgot that I did it. Verse 2 was totally unrecognizable since I was playing in the wrong key…..
    Oh well, I will have another chance to foul up next week :^)

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