Just published a sacred two piano arrangement that I’ve had on file for several years. My male piano students have really enjoyed this energy-driven piece.
Here’s a video of one of my students (on the keyboard) playing along with one of our college students in a recent service.
Special note to my readers: This advanced sacred piano solo ofThe Haven of Rest & Wonderful Peaceis available in our music store. (It was available for a short time after publication but now for sale in our music store.)
Last week, a church pianist friend of mine who I met through my website was asking if I would write another advanced devotional piano solo. She couldn’t have asked at a better time since I was wanting to start a new advanced piano arrangement.
I began thinking about The Haven of Rest and tried to think of a song that would go with it. The chorus of “Wonderful Peace” just seemed to flow in thought and rhythm at the end of Haven of Rest chorus.
What a blessing to know as a Christian that…”I’ve anchored my soul in the haven of rest” and now I have “Peace, peace, wonderful peace…coming down from the Father above…”
The Haven of Rest was written (unsurprisingly) by an Irish sailor, Henry Gilmour, who came to America at an early age. (more on Henry’s life)
I found out today by accident that the melody of “I’d Rather Have Jesus” that I’m using in my piano solo… is copyrighted. I always check to make sure hymns are public domain before arranging them and had checked this one out as well.
I verified that the tune and melody were public domain and didn’t click on the music image to view the song and later discovered the tune was different than the one I was arranging. Guess it’s better to find out BEFORE publishing!
The downside is…there will be a delay in publishing until I get the clearance from Music Services. I will keep you all posted and sorry for the delay but I want to be above board!