Archive for the ‘Offertories’ Category

In the Bleak Midwinter: Intermediate Piano Solo

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

I actually wrote this intermediate version of “In the Bleak Midwinter” last year and had forgotten about it.

A year ago…one of my students had requested an intermediate version of my advanced version of “In the Bleak Midwinter”.

Here’s the result of that request….

In the Bleak Midwinter
Intermediate Christmas piano solo, 3 pgs. This is a more simplified arrangement of Jenifer's advanced edition of "In the Bleak Midwinter" Jenifer wrote this at the request of one of her intermediate level students.
Price: $3.00



Advanced Christmas Piano Solo: Just Published! “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks”

Monday, November 20th, 2017

Just to let my readers know I just posted a new Christmas piano arrangement at the advanced level.

While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
Advanced Christmas piano solo, 3 pgs.
Price: $3.25

New Arrangement Coming: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

Monday, November 20th, 2017

Working on “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night” (early advanced piano solo).

The exciting part…I just came up with an intro and interlude that makes this arrangement long enough using only two verses!

Audio sample:  While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

Me-1-While-Shepherds Me-2-While-Shepherds

Youtube Video: Amazing Grace

Saturday, November 18th, 2017

Just sharing a video I just found on youtube this evening… of a boy playing one of my arrangements of Amazing Grace.

He did a beautiful job!


It Came Upon a Midnight Clear: Early Advanced Christmas Piano Solo

Saturday, November 11th, 2017

music christmas ornament icon

I had almost forgotten about this early advanced piano solo of “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear”.

I actually offered it for “free” back in 2015. This particular Christmas piano arrangement is featured on my “Simply Christmas” CD.

I did this arrangement off the top of my head…so it’s more of a “free style” arrangement.

It’s a challenge for me to transcribe an audio arrangement to paper!

There are a few minor changes that I just HAD to make 😉

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
Early advanced sacred piano solo, 4 pgs.
Price: $3.50


Hark the Herald Angels Sing: Published!

Saturday, November 11th, 2017


I just published “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” early advanced piano solo in my online music store.

The lyrics in this Christmas carol depict a celebrative mood..announcing Christ’s birth.  I enjoyed creating a festive  sound throughout this arrangement. The entire arrangement will be published on youtube soon.


New Writing Project for Lillenas

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017

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I thoroughly enjoyed the Composer’s Symposium this past July in Atlanta.  I made a connection with someone there (thanks Marty Parks!) who strongly suggested I try submitting “Abide With Me”  via Lloyd Larson of Lillenas Publishing Co.

I finally emailed my arrangement to Lloyd just a couple months ago. He responded by asking me to do an early intermediate piano solo   book instead. Wow!

We’re in the beginning stages of deciding on a book title and song list.  I look forward to this new adventure!  This will be my second book to be published by another company.  My first solo piano book is entitled “Showers of Blessing” (early intermediate) published by Soundforth who is now under Lorenz Publishing Co.

My new book will be published (hopefully) by November of next year.  At my age, a year’s time goes in a flash…especially with many other writing projects at hand!

Thanks for everyone encouraging me to write more!  I plan to!!  I’m living my dream…always wanted to write and share with others.

Audio Highlight from Gesu Bambino

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

glistening blue christmas ornament15Just had to share one of my favorite transitional parts of the “Gesu Bambino” two piano arrangement. I will be entering this arrangement in the Holiday Arranging competition hosted by SMPress.

Meryt Wilson and I will be premiering this piano duo at the upcoming Live Facebook Session for church pianists on October 12 at 8pm EST at the following link:

Audio sample




Update: Two Piano Christmas Duo!

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017

glistening blue christmas ornament15

I’m feverishly writing an advanced two piano Christmas duo for another SMPress competition. I have to turn it in by October 10th!
Meryt Wilson and I will be premiering this Christmas piano duo on October 12th at 8pm….live on facebook at the following link…

Please join us for an evening of fun as other church pianists gather round to learn a few tips on modulation and accompanying 6/8 hymns.

Here’s a sampling of “Gesu Bambino” two piano arrangement (It’s similar to the arrangement on my “Simply Christmas” CD.


“Nearer My God to Thee” (with added bow & slur marks for violin)

Thursday, August 24th, 2017

I met a nice young lady at the Composer Symposium this past summer who attends the church where my husband and I were married!

She is a great violinist and offered to add the violin bow & slur marks to my arrangement of “Nearer My God to Thee”.  It has taken me a while to finalize the arrangement but now complete and available in our music store.

A big thanks to Abby Phillips for adding the violin markings! See video of Abby below playing her own arrangement of “I’d Rather Have Jesus” in her home church.

Nearer My God to Thee
Sacred violin solo w/ piano accompaniment; 4 pgs. *Price covers two copies. A nice solo piece for any occasion. The beautiful melody of this hymn flows gently back and forth between the piano and violin. *Bowing & slur marks included for violin.
Price: $4.50