One of my piano students requested this arrangement of Then Sings My Soul for a piano competition piece.
If you’ve been following my posts over the years, Allissa will sound familiar to you. Allissa has just recently approached a true intermediate level.
She is the one who requested an arrangement of this well-loved hymn.
I tried to add some phrases that sound similar to my advanced version of this hymn. Below….is the video of the early intermediate arrangement for Then Sings My Soul.
Early intermediate sacred piano solo arranged by Jenifer Cook. 3 pgs. Key of B flat major to C major. Two verses and choruses.
This arrangement was written for one of my piano students to play for competition. Some of the phrases will sound similar to my advanced version of Then Sings My Soul. Listen to the video below.
Several of my viewers are asking for sheet music to a short video I did on youtube this past week. The four hymns were spontaneous. So, in time I will try to create at least one more from that particular video. It will probably be “Near to the Heart of God”.
“All the Way My Savior Leads Me” was the first hymn I played in the short video. I would guess this is an early advanced level. My spontaneous pieces do not always have much structure but you’re welcome to wade through my homespun version of this hymn.
This piece wouldn’t take much prep time for the early advanced to advanced church pianist.
Early advanced sacred piano solo, 3 pgs.
One of Jenifer's homespun arrangements she penned to paper when viewers asked for a printed arrangement of one of her spontaneous pieces on facebook live.
Price: $3.75
Thanks to those who encouraged me to create sheet music for All the Way My Savior Leads Me.
Merry Christmas to you all! I’m sharing the edited version of my recent Facebook Live event…December 20th 2022
Suggestion: If you want to see the links to available sheet music for some of the pieces I played….First….enlarge the video below and click the word “youtube” on this video. Once you’re viewing this video on youtube…see the sheet music links in the video description underneath the video.
Sorry but I have not had the time to input a lot of music into sheet music this Christmas. Here’s a quickie for the elementary level of Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
I wrote it for my ten year old grandson to play at this year’s recital and offertory at church.
He enjoyed learning it…especially the intro and big bass ending!
The arrangement consists of an intro, verse, chorus and ending…all in the key of F Major.
Christmas piano solo (elementary level) Two pages in the key of F Major.
I wrote this for my ten year old grandson to play for recital and for offertory. He especially enjoyed the intro and big bass ending!
I enjoyed arranging All Creatures of Our God and King.
What an uplifting hymn! The author of this song, Saint Francis, is better known as Giovanni Bernardone. He wrote over sixty hymns.
“At the age of 25 Bernardone left an indulgent life as a soldier, renounced his inherited wealth, and determined to live meagerly and to imitate the selfless life of Christ.” Amazing Grace 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions by Kenneth W. Osbeck
This arrangement is written with the intermediate church pianist in mind.
Sacred intermediate piano solo, 3 pgs. 1:27 time length
A nice piece year round but especially for Thanksgiving.
An excellent competition piece as well!